As of right now, my Goodreads TBR is approaching 2,000 books and this is something that I need to remedy as soon as I can. So what I am going to do is share with you all some of the books that I am deciding to take down from a TBR that has long sense gotten away from me. 

Once Upon A Time Books

This huge set of retellings is one I am no longer interested in reading. Getting rid of these 19 books on my tbr is huge for keeping things a bit more tidy. I actually owned three of these in a book bundle, but never enjoyed reading it at all. 

The Wings of War Series by Karen Ann Hopkins

These three books are a series I wanted to read a very long time ago that I am no longer interested in. Letting them go from my tbr makes me a little sad but at the same time I don’t want to keep any books on my tbr that I know I won’t ever be reading. 

A Song Of Ice and Fire Series 

I will probably watch the show eventually but I know know that the books themselves just aren’t for me. 

All Stephan King Books Besides his book On Writing 

Stephan King is an author who’s work I tried so hard to get into but couldn’t. So all his books on my tbr besides his book on writing are now leaving my tbr. 

The Sirintha Jax series

This series is simply too big and my time too non-existent for me to read this. 

The Wolves of Mercy Falls series

It’s been too long since I read the first three books for me to want to keep these books on my goodreads. I’m excited for many of Maggie’s other books though! 

The Body Finder series 

Again I’m simply no longer interested enough to read these books. I am really trying to focus more on the books I really want to read myself lately and a lot of these books just no longer pique my interest. 

That’s all for now, thank you all for reading! I hope you liked this post and I’d love to know how you keep up your Goodreads tbr? 

-Till next time!

27 thoughts on “Goodreads: Reducing My Massive TBR

  1. Wow, congrats on managing to get so many off your TBR! I’m slowly reducing mine although I find it so hard as I constantly go “What if I change my mind?” even though I know I can always add them back in that situation.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I’m at the point where a lot of books that have been on my tbr for ages are no longer of any interest to me at this time and like you said if I develop an interest in them again I could always add them back.


  2. That is quite interesting, Tiana. I have, like 165 books in my pile but I think I’m going to have to clean it up a bit. This post really inspires me to do the ‘virtual’ shelf cleaning right away!! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Having a good clean out is always a good feeling. I gVe up on the Game of Thrones books after two. There were some good things but I found the amount of violence towards women distasteful.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My Goodreads TBR is currently sitting at 226, but I’ve only really been concentrating on keeping it current in the past couple of months.

    I would say one of my main ways of keeping it manageable is when it comes to series only including the first/next book I’ve to read rather than putting the whole series on to begin with. I read a lot of crime fiction so if I was to put the whole of Ian Rankin’s books straight onto it that would easily be another 20+ books. So currently I have Knots & Crosses on there and once I’ve read that I’ll add Hide & Seek

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  5. I can’t even remember most of the books I have on my GR TBR anymore…mostly I just ignore it now and hope that it goes away.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Good for you! My TBR is around 1000+ right now… It was only 800+ a few months ago! I’m shocked at how much I keep adding to it but never taking anything out… I might need to do a similar intervention hahaha
    Great post, Tiana! 🙂

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  7. Fabulous job getting rid of so many books! I’m actually doing something similar (although I “only” have about 700 books on my TBR)- a meme called Down the TBR Hole, where I go through ten books each week and decide whether to keep them or let them go!

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