I love WordPress and the community that surrounds the site, but sometimes it can be a bit frustrating, from unfollowing you from people you want to keep up with, to loosing posts, and not being able to like other’s posts… the site can be frustrating. 

My latest confuzzelment with this site has been that my last few post haven’t been reaching the audience that they normally would. Every day I publish a post and talk about books or write some poetry or even talk about writing and I will get about 40 or so likes by the next day. However when I published my usual, it’s Wednesday, what are you reading? post it only gathered about 9 likes, to which I was thinking… did that post particularly suck or did the WordPress algorithm change or what’s going on?

Then I published yesterday a review of The Wrath and The Dawn (a book that is on the same level of popularity with And I Darken) which only gathered 12 likes when compared with my review of And I Darken only two days before which gathered about 52 likes and quite a few comments. So I am wondering, why is this the case? Is there a decline in the quality of my posts? Is their something weird going on with WordPress? Is the tagging system ineffective? Or are my readers simply not enjoying my content anymore? 

It’s really unsettling to put so much work daily over so much time, for me 9 months, into something and have grown so much, I’m almost hitting 1,000 followers and to all of a sudden feel like everything is back peddling to how it was when you first started blogging. It’s also a bit disconcerting when a lot of doors that have opened because of my blogs success (like being able to receive arcs off of netgally, talking to authors, and being asked by authors to review their books) might be hurt by a spiral downhill. Especially because as a book blogger I want to make sure that the books I love reach the audience I normally would, because showing your support for a book is invaluable to its success. 

Let me know down in the comments if you are experiencing or have experienced a similar issue or if you have any ideas or thoughts about what is going on. 

Thank you all for reading! I truly appreciate all the support I’ve been having on this blog since the very beginning. Let me know your thoughts down in the comments below. 

-Till next time!

52 thoughts on “WordPress Issues: What is Happening?

    1. It’s really weird. I don’t understand why WordPress gets like that. I know of a fellow blogger whose posts I love that has said that she’s had to follow me several times because WordPress kept unfollowing her from my blog. It’s a really unfair part of WordPress on all ends.


  1. I will try to answer you though I am too new to wordpress and the electronic media. Here, I see all people writing short stories, poems, book reviews, film reviews, etc. And everyone without thoroughly going through other’s post will like it. Even the likes one get are a type of barter system . You like me, I like you.
    But don’t get frustrated for getting less likes. Be happy that your inner thoughts are coming out and being published without any hassles, or the monetary expenses. Cheers.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for the awesome comment! It is true that wordpress is like a bartering system in a sense and I love how supportive the community is of one another. I love reading others posts and supporting fellow bloggers and letting them know I enjoy their content with a Like or a comment. I was afraid of this post sounding like I’m upset over having less likes and that really isn’t the case. It’s more of a confusion and a curiosity of if it is my content that needs to change or some issue Within WordPress itself. Blogging has brought me so much joy overt these past 9 months and has opened up a world of possibilities for things to do with it in the future and being able to share my thoughts with the world is an incredible thing. It just has been weird that when for months of doing daily posts that pretty much always get 40 likes or more suddenly get a fraction of that, and maybe it is something that I shouldn’t be paying attention to, but it’s hard not to care about something you have put so much work into and are passionate about that you want to be as successful as it can be.


  2. This has been happening a lot. I’ve noticed that quite a few blogs just disappear from the reader feed. Gone! For no reason. They’ve changed nothing but they just don’t show up anymore. I would catch everything they’ve written and then noticed I missed an entire week of their posts. If you message WordPress with your issues they are very quick to investigate and fix. I had a problem a couple months ago and they fixed it in less than an hour. Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That’s odd, because I’ve noticed this happening to me, too. I don’t know if WordPress changed things or if people are busy right now. Then again, it is summertime and vacation season, so maybe people are online less.

    I understand the frustration of being online for so long and working towards something. It sucks if your stats go down or if you don’t see any payoff for your work.

    Give it a few more weeks, and if your stats are still down, there may be a problem.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, I will do that. It’s weird because I would think that a vacation and being off school people would be online more. It’s all very strange to me. I will give it time though, your right it could be something totally unrelated to WordPress.


  4. I’m not sure I remember seeing your posts in my reader, which may be part of the issue. I can check, but I distinctly remember wondering why you hadn’t posted anything.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s the weird thing. I’ve gotten that from others before… it’s especially weird because I have this thing that since I’ve posted daily for so long that I never not want to do a post for the day, because I simply enjoy it so much. It’s such a weird issue…

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I honestly wouldn’t be too concerned with the opportunities you’ve gotten going away just because your stats aren’t what they have been. You have to understand something that people get busy and might not be reading as many posts. I also wouldn’t obsess over your stats so much, I don’t obsess over my stats and I enjoy blogging so much more. I got approved on NetGalley even though I don’t have that many followers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s true… and usually I don’t obsess over my stats they’ve evened out so much over time. It was just such a sharp decline that it did cause my eyebrows to raise a little bit in concern, but with people saying that my posts are disappearing from their Reader… I’m thinking their might be an actual issue..


      1. I don’t think there is anything wrong with worrying about your stats, and I’ve also noticed people’s blogs disappearing from my feed. If the stats keep going down, I would contact WP support to see if something is happening.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m definitely having similar issues. I’m not seeing a lot of people on Reader who used to be there all the time. It’s like they’ve completely disappeared unless I go directly to their blog. Not a fan of whatever is going on but I hope it gets sorted out for you quickly!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hey, Tiana!

    I have noticed that you haven’t been popping up in my Reader as often lately (but then recently I’ve been so busy that I thought I’ve been missing your posts). However, I actively went back all the way through the Reader to where I left off last night and your post never showed up. So, clearly, there is kind of issue – although I have no clue what is wrong. I did read once it had to do something with the tags (if you had more than 15, it won’t show up in the Reader), but I think you only had a few it seemed. Hopefully it resolves soon, since I’m sure it wasn’t just me that missed your lovely review! *crossing fingers for you*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your comment! The posts not showing up in the reader is seeming to be the problem as I’ve been getting several bloggers letting me know that my posts haven’t been showing up. I hope I can get this issue solved. Also I hadn’t heard about the tags issue so I’ll take a look and see if I used too many.


  8. I’ve been noticing this too! I’m the type of person who spends hours on the “followed sites” section to make sure I’ve liked/checked out as many posts as I can, but for the past few weeks, I’ve been liking all of them because there’s no new content being generated. I actually haven’t seen you around for aaaggeeeesssss too, even though you’ve clearly posted a lot.
    I think it might be WordPress, because my posts tend to average around 30-40 likes and recently some of them are only getting around 12-15. It is so disconcerting, because as you said, I also put in a lot of effort in my posts.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s a great idea! I will definitely be trying that from now on. I just hate that the reader isn’t working the way it should, because it is a great way for me to keep track of all the blogs I love. Well… as the saying goes where there is a will there is a way!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s weird because I don’t think I’ve been seeing much of your posts either lately. Which is strange because I adore your blog. I’m sorry that it seems that we are both going through the exact same thing. I don’t know why WordPress is acting up the way it is. I’m really sad that my posts haven’t been showing up… as well as yours for me.. I wish this was something that wasn’t a reality for bloggers.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I have noticed this too! Another thing I have seen as I go through the reader is that I have ‘liked’ stull that I haven’t even saw never mind read. There are alot of issues with WordPress, I am finding, at the moment.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. It’s so interesting to me that you and a lot of other bloggers are having similar problems! I hadn’t really noticed blogs missing from my feed or a huge decrease in traffic (which I would probably just attribute it the fact it’s summer anyway), but I’ll have to pay more attention! Thanks for bringing this up.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I found your post very interesting in that I have also been mysteriously ‘unfollowed’ by blogs that I KNOW I have followed in the past. When I look at the icon in the bottom right corner it does not say that I follow! Very distressing as I might be missing posts on blogs that have been very supportive of me.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I’ve never gotten many likes on my posts despite the constant increase in followers, but I don’t pay much attention to stats in general. What I have been angry about with WP is a new discovery: they only show you your last 100 notifications. Fan-freaking-tastic. 😒 I blog hopped a lot the other day, but didn’t get a chance to check those bloggers’ responses before they got booted out of my noticifations and I’m still running into this because of a few events I’m hosting. It’s really frustrating. And WP doesn’t seem to care!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. This sounds quite frustrating! I’ve heard some people (especially on Twitter) talking about how WordPress has been giving them issues, but that just hasn’t been the case for me thus far. Then again, I’m also just getting back into blogging, so my stats aren’t the greatest. I’m pretty sure that’s not related though. XD I hope everything turns out alright!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. This has been happening to me too! While my Webtoon posts aren’t always the most popular, they usually get around 16-20 likes at least. But I just made a post last night and it only has around 6 likes, which is so weird. I did publish it at a different time than usual, but I highly doubt that’s it. Glad (weird choice of words?) to see someone else has the same issue. Let’s hope we get it resolved.

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