So two days ago I discussed opening the Raven Writers Accountability club and while working with Phoenix we talked about it and changed things up a bit.

Follow Phoenix’s website here:

Also check out Pheonix’s post for more information:

Each week, I will still be posting about my project, goals, and how I did that week and as a part of the club I encourage everyone whose joining to do the same!

We both are setting up donation pages for special access to advice, tips and tricks, and inspiration. Phoenix has even discussed some special offers that we will be providing over time!

Here is the link to my donation page:

Leave your name down below if your interested in joining!

Phoenix made an awesome trailer for all of you as well!

THANK YOU ALL FOR READING! Let me know your thoughts down in the comments below! 

Check out my Instagram and Twitter

Check out The Book Raven Poetry website

Checkout The Book Raven Poetry Instagramand Twitter

Check out the Sisters of Twilight website.

If you love my content and wish to offer me extra support by me a Kofi on my donation page!

17 thoughts on “Announcement! The Ebony and Fire Writing Club!

  1. Hey Tiana, I’m Arena…I’ve notified Phoenix about my entry already but just wanted to drop by and say hi! You’ve earned yourself a follower on insta too…hehe…I’m excited to get to know you🤗🤗💝💝

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      1. Meeee toooo🙈🙈❤️❤️Btw Tiana (May I call you Tia?? Prrrettttyyy Plllleaaasssee) you have a beautiful name…it sounds like tiara and your pet dog is literally a cuttttiee…I love how you’re a dog person and Phoenix is a cat one😂😂 I hope lil Phoenix and your baby get along…what’s your pup’s name? And I’m sorry if this is a little chatty…I tend to ramble when I’m excited😅😅

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        1. Lol ok.. My dogs name is Gypsy and I’d say I’m an animal person in general and I’d love to have a cat someday! And you can call me Tia if you like. It’s actually a nickname I’ve been called since childhood so I definitely don’t mind it.

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          1. Awww she sounds wonderful…wow now I want a pet dog or a cat too…my pet budgies literally don’t like me…🥺🥺🥺they are with my aunt rn…because we can’t go back home due to the pandemic…I wonder if they miss me…oh I was just browsing your insta and I found out you had pet birds too?? How are they??

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          2. We don’t have them anymore one of them is past away and the other two we had to give away when we moved. it’s been a long time. Right now we only have Gypsy, but the my pidgeon was amazing he used to settle on my arm and flap his wings he was beautiful. And he’d attack my hand but it was all playful. I miss him greatly. I love having birds

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