2.5k Follower Celebration!

For some reason this milestone in particular is bringing tears to my eyes. Maybe it’s because while I’ve had all the love and support I could ever wish for from this community these past almost 2 years have been filled with some of the best and worst events of my life.

During this time I had to wonder for the first time of me and my family were really going to make it. I was at the lowest point emotionally that I’ve ever been and yet I also found some of the most freedom.

In the past few months alone I was denied my ability to go to college, my mom suddenly showed signs of fibromyalgia and now deals with chronic pain every single day, my dad went to the hospital where they saved his kidneys, and I had to submit to this reality that at 19 I had to become responsible enough to put myself to work harder then ever before and give up watching videos and fun things I loved because there is simply no longer time for those things (except in very small moderation).

As of late my life has been chaos. Yet I have a lot to be proud of. Because of all these challenges, financially, emotionally, even sometimes from complete physical exhaustion, I have pushed myself more then I ever have and written more then I ever have. All my pain and doubts had found its place in storytelling. In less then 3 months I have 26k towards a novel when for so many years I never made it past 6k.

As Undertale says I have become a person who is determined. Determined to live my life and live it well. Determined to share my every ache in words because I know that everyone has their own burdens that threaten to cave them in. I know that I don’t even remotely have the worst of it.

So to all of you out there who have supported me I want to thank you for being a part of the thing that keeps me taking a step forward every single day. I had many a hiatus during these hard times and still you have stuck with me. I am a better person because of all of you. Each and every one of you is a bright light in my dark sky. It amazes me that there are so many stars to see now.

There isn’t anything special I can offer to you all now, but I promise when my life undergoes changes for the better I won’t forget to give to the many of you have shared with me their love.

Thanks so much for reading and simply being here! All my love goes out to all of you.

-Till next time!