The Raven Book Crate: Design Announcement 

So some of you may have already seen this, but I designed the box for my book crate! It is honestly the most professional looking thing I have ever created and I’m so proud of it! 

Along with the actual crate itself I have come up with the official idea for my very first crate and just thinking about it makes me smile! I can’t wait till I can start putting everything together! Little teasers and things will be sprinkled about here and there every once in a while till I can finally get this off the ground, but when it does I will have a product that I can be proud of and that I know all you book worms out there will love. 

Thank you all for being a part of this journey. This would have never been possible without your support and even though there is a lot of work yet to be done, I know that somehow, someway this will all become a reality. 

Let me know of any particular ideas of things you look for in a book crate. All suggestions are appreciated and will help me make this the best possible crate it could be. 

-Till next time!

Dreamy Book Covers Tag

I am so excited to announce that I have created my own little book tag!!!! This is really cool for me since this is the first one I have ever created and it’s ironic, because I have conceded to forever being terribly behind on tags, (which is fine by the way, If you have tagged me for something and I haven’t done it yet, I WILL do it eventually! I have so many posts I love to write and tags are so much fun to do, it will just be a long while.) Anywho, Lets move along with the tag! 

The Rules: 

1. Thank the lovely person who tagged you, spread the love! 

2. Meantion me Tiana @ The Book Raven as the (insert adjective here) creater of this book tag! 

3. Use the original tag image in your post. (However, Feel free to add whatever other graphics your heart desires!)

4. At least tag 1 fellow blogger for this tag. Even if your like me sometimes and feel a bit lazy đŸ˜‰ 

5. List the rules 

Have fun! (Not a rule but a hope, I am so proud of this little tag, I honestly hope you enjoy it!)

The Tag: 

“No Ideas But in Things” A book cover that perfectly expresses the novel inside it

The Night Circus cover perfectly encapsulates the stunning beauty of the novel inside it with a minimalistic design with all the color elements The Night Circus is centered on. I adore this cover!

“Dark and Lovely” A book cover that is so creepalicious you just want to eat it up

The Dead House is hauntingly beautiful and its cover is too. I remember the day I walked into Barnes & Nobel and saw this book for the first time, the cover stopped me in my tracks, couple of months later and the book was on my shelves. I love it!

“Sugary Sweet” A cute cover that is so fluffy you want to give it a hug

This cover is so adorable to me as well as gorgeous! I love the hand drawn aesthetic and this one has a beautiful touch of that. I need this cover on my shelves!

“The Simple Aesthetic” A book cover that stuns with the most minimalistic of design

I Have No Secrets stands out and it does it simply with contrast and silhouette. I love how much this cover packs a punch without any over complicated design. 

“Cover Envy” A book cover you wish you had on your shelves, but don’t yet

This cover is breathtaking, all I know is this book needs to be on my shelves and it needs to be there right now. 

“Traveling Abroad” A beautiful book cover featuring a country outside of your own

I live in America and so I choose Anna and the French Kiss, because it is a beautiful display of color with a touch of what makes France so appealing. It’s simple and pretty. 

“The Color Wheel” A cover that showcases one of your favorite colors 

Another cover set in France, I swear I didn’t plan this. I just love the way two of my favorite colors Dark Blue and Gold work together so beautifully in this cover. In person this cover is even prettier. The digital version doesn’t do it justice. 

“Switching Gears” A cover change you absolutely adore 

I am so glad the Throne of Glass covers were changed. I absolutely gravitate towards the covers as they are now with this fiery artistic murduerous female in the front vs. a simple pretty girl. Plus the backs of the cover changed versions are so cool as well! 

“Oldie but Goodie” A favorite cover of your favorite classic

I think this cover for Tess of the D’Ubervilles is so cool! It’s dark and gothic and it captures the sadness of the book quite well. I love how much it grabs my attention. 

“And the Winner is…” Which book cover meantioned above is your favorite?

If this cover didn’t exist it would have been so much harder to pick a favorite from the ones I meantioned. This cover is too stunning for words. It speaks for itself. (It also makes me want to get a tattoo XD) 

I Tag: 

Melting Pots and Other Calamities 

Bionic Book Worm

Lil Book Lovers

Chaotic Everything

Royal Reader

Book Bum

A Book. A Thought. 

Reads, Rhythms, and Ruminations

Book Princess Reviews

Debbie’s Library

Dreamy Addictions

Seaweed Books

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed my first ever original book tag! This was incredible to create and I hope you all enjoy participating in it. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

-Till next time!