Authors I Haven’t Read Yet

So… there are many authors I will love Till the end of time and many more that have yet to write anything at all. However, there are some authors that I know are amazing and I want to read from, but I just haven’t gotten to… yet.

V.E. Schwab

No one is more disappointed then I am that I still haven’t read one word from this human’s books. Everything in my heart tells me that her books are epic, but I simply haven’t been able to get to read from her yet.

Rainbow Rowell

I finally got a book from Rainbow Rowell on my bookshelves after what feels like years of seeing how much people adore her novels. I think it’s finally time I see if her books are for me.

Angie Thomas

The Hate You Give is well-known for being a masterpiece. I have been wanting to read it badly since its release, but I still haven’t gotten my hands on a copy. I really hope to read this book soon!

Marie Lu

Not only is Marie Lu a fashion icon for me (I know weird thing to love about an author), by her books all sound incredible! I can’t wait to one day read something from her. She is an inspiration.

Nicola Yoon

This sweet author has some book out in the world that I know I would love to enjoy. Sweet fluffy books are ones that I enjoy when I’m not feeling too good and they always lift my spirits. So I would love to give her books a try!

Holly Black

Holly has a ton of books out in the world. So many that I don’t know I haven’t picked up something of hers by accident. I have a feeling that I would love her work if I read it and hopefully I get to read from her soon!

Thanks for reading! There are probably many more authors out in this world that I would love to read from, but for now these are some that I honestly feel bad about not having read from. Hopefully, I get to read from them in the future! What authors do you wish to read from, but haven’t yet?

-Till next time! 🙂