Beast Boy Loves Raven: A Review

Beast Boy Loves Raven

Written by Kami Garcia

Illustrated by Gabriel Piccolo

My Rating: 4 stars!

Cover Rating: 10/10 always with these the artwork is so stunning. It tells the story instantly and any teen titan fan would sure pick this up!

Publisher: DC Comics

Publish Date: September 28th, 2021

Number of Pages: 208

Received: DC Comics sent me a copy in exchange for an honest review.

Purchase: Amazon


From #1 New York Times bestselling author KAMI GARCIA (Beautiful Creatures) and artist GABRIEL PICOLO, the creative duo behind the New York Times bestselling graphic novel Teen Titans: Raven, comes the romantic meet-up we have all been waiting for! 

It seems like years, but it’s only been a few days since Raven Roth recovered her memories, trapped her demon father, Trigon, into her amulet, and had her heart broken for the first time. But she doesn’t have time to think about the past…she has to focus on finding a way to get rid of Trigon for good.

Garfield Logan still can’t believe he has powers that allow him to change into different animals, but the price of knowing that his parents kept this secret hidden from him just feels too high. And what’s more, his difficulty controlling these abilities could have unexpected consequences.

Both are seeking answers from the one person who seems to have them all figured out: Slade Wilson.

When their paths converge in Nashville, Raven and Gar can’t help but feel a connection, despite the secrets they both try to hide. It will take a great amount of trust and courage to overcome the wounds of their pasts. But can they find acceptance for the darkest part of themselves? Or maybe even love?

Opening Page:


Beast Boy Loves Raven tells the story of how Beast boy, Robin, and Raven all meet. This is the first appearance Robin makes in these comics.

Robin is a mostly serious character who knows what he is doing. He is smart and tactical and very practical. I’m very interested to see how his character is fleshed out in the next comic.

Beast Boy and Raven meet in the same area while they both wait separately for their meetings with Slade. Beast Boy is immediately attracted to Raven and tries to charm her. It takes a while for her to trust him, but she comes around. They make a really cute couple already.

This is my favorite artwork of the whole story. The pain and intensity with the uniqueness of beast boy starting to transform. It’s stunning and also builds up the dynamic of the relationship between Beast Boy and Raven as she tries to figure out what she can do to save him.

All in all:

I really enjoyed reading this! It’s a fun read that makes me want so much more of these stories and I really hope that they do continue this well into the future. I want to see how the Teen Titans assemble in this new storyline.

THANK YOU ALL FOR READING! Let me know your thoughts down in the comments below! 

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Places to donate to Trans communities:

Trans Equality 

The Trevor Project

Transgender Law Center 

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Link to a video to watch if you can’t donate!

I Am Not Starfire: A Review

I Am Not Starfire by Mariko Tamaki

Illustrated by Yoshi Yoshitani

My Rating: 4 stars

Cover Rating: 7/10 it’s really pretty! The artwork is really well done and it very much shows the major theme of the comic.

Publisher: DC comics

Publish Date: July 27th, 2021

Number of Pages: 208 pages

Received: Dc Comics provided an e-galley in exchange for an honest review.

Purchase: Amazon


Mandy is NOT like her mother. Starfire is gorgeous, tall, sparkly, and a hero. Mandy is NOT a sparkly superhero. Mandy has no powers, is a kid who dyes her hair black and hates everyone but her best friend Lincoln.

Suddenly, everything changes when she gets partnered with Claire for a school project. Mandy likes Claire a lot (even if she denies it, heartily and intensely). How do you become the person you’re supposed to be when the only thing you’re sure of is what you’re not? When someone from Starfire’s past arrives, Mandy must make a choice: give up before the battle has even begun, or step into the unknown and risk everything to save her mom.

Opening Sentence: “All my life I’ve been the kid of a superhero.”


I really liked reading this. It was a fun little graphic novel. Mandy’s characterization is very clear, she never developed powers and due to media attention and all the endless questions she grows up wanting to be different to be the ‘Anti-Starfire’. As the story moves along she realizes she never truly was that and her desire wasn’t to be against her mom, but to be an individual.

What I Enjoyed:

The art! Yoshi has a really adorable and pretty art style. Just look at some of these teaser images! Says so much even without words.

The friendship. Mandy has one really great friend in her life that gets her and treats her like an individual and not the product of someone else. He supports her and teases her throughout the story and I love their relationship.

It feels like an introduction. This feels like reading the origin story to a fun new set of comics based on Mandy becoming her own unique superhero. It’ll be so fun to see where this story goes.

All in All:

This was a fun little read. I read it in about 30 minutes and I really enjoyed it. It was cute and seeing first love play out while mixing in the angst was really fun to read.

THANK YOU ALL FOR READING! Let me know your thoughts down in the comments below! 

Places to donate to Trans communities:

Trans Equality 

The Trevor Project

Transgender Law Center 

Some BLM resources:

Link to bail funds to donate to!

Link to petitions to sign! 

Link to a video to watch if you can’t donate!

My friend started Live Streaming so check them out HERE!! 

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Check out the Sisters of Twilight website.