I Watched Argylle

Last night me and my boyfriend watched Argylle together after a recommendation I got from a coworker. Honestly, I got to say that it was such a nice movie for us to watch together. It was so full of deception and double double double double double agent type stuff we both kept laughing and freaking out over the reveals.

I love the comedy and I know that the movies reveals are complicated and there was so many it could seem hard to keep track of what’s happening but somehow I was so engaged with it that I didn’t have much trouble having it make sense for me at all.

Of course for both me and my boyfriend the star of the show was Alfie the cat.

The characters in this movie are so mean to this cat over and over and it drove me and my boyfriend crazy. We both were so mad when at one point this cat gets thrown off a building to prove a point and it gave us both so much anxiety, but of course the cat was ok. The cat never gets any real harm done to him, but we would still fight anyone who dared to even inconvenience Alfie.

This movie is just fun to watch. Sometimes, you just need that light yet super crazy out there movie to lift your spirits and that’s what this was. The movie doesn’t pretend to be any different than what it is and it’s wild start to finish. There’s no pretend seriousness at any point it’s a silly spy movie and those have always been a comfort kind of movie to me. I enjoyed this movie so much.


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Raw (2016) Was Not For Me

I have a thing for disturbing films every so often. Especially when it’s done to tell a story and not just to have shock value. This movie had been on my list to try out for a long time and 43 minutes into it me and my boyfriend decided that it was time to tap out.

The problem my boyfriend had with it was the frat house initiation culture that was absolutely horrible and made him livid. Nothing was so overtly disturbing at that point, but everyone sucks in this movie. Neither of us could figure out who we should root for or why we should root for them or even what the movie was trying to show or say beyond being gross.

Having a gross film be gross for the sake of shock value is absolutely not something I enjoy or want in my life. I thought the cannibalism would be what took me out of the movie, but no it was everything else. The party frat life. The disgusting way the girl gets treated by literally everyone. The things people said and did. The rash scene made my whole body itchy because they peel off pieces of her skin that were flaking and that’s just a personal ick no no for me.

I wanted this movie to be what I thought it was. With the premise of a girl growing up forced to be vegetarian because the family knew if she had meat that she’d be insatiable until she started eating the flesh of people. But, then I told one of my guy friends about it and he said soooo, you want to watch a zombie movie? And cured literally every ick I had about cannibalism in one sentence. At least watching movies like that. I’ve never had an issue with zombies.

I will say even though the gore I saw in the film did not strike me as all that bad, it doesn’t mean it isn’t objectively gross and if you don’t like gross don’t watch this. The reason I stopped watching was I thought more of why certain things were chosen to be shown and what story purpose it would serve (couldn’t find a reason) and being like I feel awful and I want this to stop. If feces, urine, and hair gross you out…. Definitely do not watch this.

Raw succeeds in being a uncomfortable film to watch. If you like disturbing films just for the sake of feeling disturbed then this film is for you. However, if you prefer disturbing films that say something similar to Midsommar and Hereditary then Raw doesn’t really fit that bill.

Honestly, I am unsure if the second half contains scenes worse than are contained in the first half. I looked into trigger warnings associated with the film and didn’t find anything particularly as bad as what I had already seen. I had just felt pretty done with the film at that point. The veterinary procedures that are preformed are also uncomfortable, but I wouldn’t classify them as abuse. The rest of the gore I had left to see was the cannibalism and none of it seems to be worse then what you might see of zombie gore, if only more realistic possibly.

Safe to say I don’t personally recommend this film. If there’s any disturbing films you recommend for me to try watching in the future let me know in the comments.


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Watching Wonka Was Healing

Going into the movie Wonka I wasn’t really sure I was in the mood for it. My boyfriend had wanted us to watch it for a while since I took him to breakfast at ihop when they had the Wonka themed foods and drinks that I really loved. I felt pretty down yesterday and I wasn’t sure how well Wonka would capture the magic that the original film had given me so many years ago, but for my boyfriend’s sake I decided why not give it a go?

I am so glad I listened to him and watched it with him. It was everything that I could have hoped it would be and more importantly exactly what I needed. Wonka goes through every hardship he experiences with a smile on his face. It’s something I have a hard time trying to do. He experiences what feels like the most resounding no’s he could possibly get in life and yet he keeps going and through his sheer confidence and joy he brings people into his life who want to be a part of making his dreams come true.

Willy Wonka has always been about inspiring joy in peoples hearts. To feel that sense of wonderment of something magical happening right before your eyes. Something unbelievable. That feeling is at the heart of Wonka and just watching it put the biggest smile on my face.

When the credits rolled I felt like I just watched something that reminded me of what I knew as a child and had forgotten. You will never know what will happen next, but when you live your life in wonderment everyday can be a new adventure. The times when hardships strike aren’t the end. Eventually, better will come and everything will be ok.

I don’t really feel the need to talk about what happened so much in this movie, because I think it’s so much better when you go into it blind, but just know that it is truly special and it has the magic Willy Wonka always carried inside of him.


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I Watched Saw For the First Time

I have been thinking about my saw inspired novel project and as much as I’ve wanted to really start on it I’ve mostly been distracted and gathering ideas for it rather then sitting down and actually writing it. This has been good for me ironically because the entire perspective that I will be writing this novel from has changed and so it has completely changed the course of this novel.

I have had many different ideas for this novel and it has had me all over the place, but the main part that I wanted to keep alive was it’s inspiration. However…. I had never even watched Saw in the first place. So, I decided to change that. After having watched the very first film I have found myself having a lot of different thoughts and a lot of it surprised me.

I had avoided saw for so many years because growing up I was told that it was a complete gore fest and it often felt like gore just for the sake of gore and shock value. However, watching the film the majority of it wasn’t gorey at all. It was a lot more of a suspense film then I was anticipating and I got through it super easily.

I realized that what intrigued me and drew me to the films to where it inspired that first short story and now to make it into a full book was the idea of it. How does it feel to be locked into a scenario where you must bleed or die. Where you are given a choice to do something horrible in order to survive and know that there is this serial killer mastermind who has orchestrated all this and that person has all the power over your life.

In execution, at least for the very first saw, it came off to me as ok. I’ve seen so many films that delve into characters forced into situations where they must make horrific choices to survive and I feel a lot of them delve into the human psyche a lot better then saw does. I’ve also have seen plenty of more heavy gore films that don’t do it for the sake of it, but have been way worse then this first saw film.

I will probably go on over time and watch the rest of the films with a much lower expectation mostly for the fun of it. However, as far as my books inspiration only the bare bones of the idea will find it’s way into my novel.

Now that I have a better idea of the perspective and what I want to have happen in this novel I will be begging the process of the first draft very soon. I hope that you all will be here for the journey and see what this novel becomes in the end.


If you would like a commission of a simple line art drawing or a poem based on anything of your choice for $5 let me know down in the comments! Proceeds will go towards editing and finding amazing artists to commission for book covers for my future projects. It’s a way of supporting me while I am able to give something back to you as well! 

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If you’d like a quality candle check out THE SISTERS OF TWILIGHT CANDLE COMPANY WEBSITE

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I Watched: Love Again

Yesterday was a day that swirled with stress and tears and thoughts of so many things currently going wrong and heading towards a painful ending that I needed a break. In September I’ve been so excited about Halloween and scary movies, but last night I did not have any mental space to escape from one nightmare into another. I wanted something joyful. So me and my boyfriend watched Love Again together.

This movie captures the awkwardness and the hopefulness of new love after heartbreak. It reminded me very much of me and Abdiels relationship when we first got together and realized we could breath because we found the person in each other that loved how weird we were.

It’s a love where conversation is easy and there’s so many laughs and so much desire in all the ways that desire come to fruition. It’s the closest thing to magic I will ever encounter.

Last night being filled with as much pain and heartbreak as it was, watching this movie at the same time as my boyfriend and texting each other about how Mira encounters the “bad” Jonas brother was an uplift that I needed desperately.

When it was all over and I was lying down to sleep and everything was quiet the stress came back to me and the reason I slept at all was because I decided to flip the script and think about my partner and what it meant to me that he watched this cheesy yet fun rom-com with me and the steadiness of having him there.

Love again is a movie about finding love again after grief. Of choosing to move forward and celebrate what makes life beautiful even though it’s hard and somehow that’s exactly what I needed and I haven’t even fallen off the edge of what will cause a huge part of my grief in the near-future just yet.

I think it’s beautiful when we find a person in our lives that gets us. Someone who wants to raise us up and who we want to raise up to. Who at the end of the day creates the space to feel peaceful.

If you want to watch a movie about all these things and feel a bit of joyful cringe this movie is for you.


If you would like a commission of a simple line art drawing or a poem based on anything of your choice for $5 let me know down in the comments! Proceeds will go towards editing and finding amazing artists to commission for book covers for my future projects. It’s a way of supporting me while I am able to give something back to you as well! 

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If you’d like a quality candle check out THE SISTERS OF TWILIGHT CANDLE COMPANY WEBSITE

If you would like to support me directly here’s a link to BUY ME A KOFI!

The Barbie Movie and The Death of Toxic Masculinity

I want to preface this by saying I have not yet gone to see the Barbie movie. This stems from the standpoint of working near several movie theaters and seeing the sheer amount of movie coming to see Barbie in pink. I want to see this movie so bad and it’s made me want to talk bout it even before I step foot in the place I will watch it.

Barbie has been a staple of the toy world since 1959. The blonde who does it all took the world by storm everyday since and millions of people grew up playing with the doll and her many toy sets over the years. So of course when the announcement hit that a Barbie movie would be released and it would be made with the most passion and love for the doll and all she stands for the world got excited.

I saw it first hand seeing the sea of pink on release day. Outfits of all kinds. Women in pink hijabs. Men in Barbie t-shirts and even pink suits. Women wearing classic Barbie styles to her more high fashion looks. People of every walk of life of all kinds of sexuality and gender wearing pink and looking so happy to be doing it. Barbie has always been the symbol for if you can dream it you can do it. No matter what your skin color, religion, background, or sexuality you can be and do any thing that you desire.

I am genuinely so proud of all the men that showed up in pink. I don’t have enough words to say how much it meant to me to see something happen like this that I feel wouldn’t have happened not so long ago. There were a group of four full grown men in Ken branded jean jackets. So many wearing pink along with their girlfriends. Gay men in the most gorgeous pink outfits absolutely slaying their looks. I was so excited to see this couple that bought from me wearing pink and when I mentioned it the guy said it was his first time he ever wore the color. He looked absolutely amazing in it! I told him so and I could tell he really appreciated the compliment.

I really have to say it but everyone looks amazing in pink. It is one of the most flattering and fun colors out there. There was not a single person in pink I thought looked bad. It was constant joy for me to see.

More importantly what it meant to see everyone of every walk of life wear it. That we are evolving. We are making steps towards a more inclusive society. That men are allowing themselves to explore something that felt previously locked away for them because of the stigma that wearing pink has. That groups of men are wearing it and going to see the movie on their own and acknowledging that Barbie truly is for everyone. That pink is for everyone.

Seeing it and knowing that it was a good experience for everyone to make the choice to get all dressed up in pink. To even get dressed up for a movie the first place and have a blast the whole time. That’s the most fun way for me to see that some real change is stirring.

Also knowing that the Barbie movie is feminist af and seeing on twitter that it’s starting conversations for people about the patriarchy and feminism in general and the effects that will have. The fact that conservatives are leaving 1 star reviews because of that overall inclusive message also shows that this movie is doing its job. I can’t wait to see it for myself.

I want to see that energy being carried out more in the future. Pure love and good times for all in their own ways. People not letting fear and hatred control their ability to live and let live. When everyone lives for their joy the best of humanity is allowed to show itself. That’s what I saw in Barbies opening days and I hope this ripples and carries a new generation onto a better path along the way.

I truly believe that there is more good in the world then there is bad. I also believe that the more that people realize how good it is to be yourself and to not be judged will encourage people to be less judgmental of themselves and others. For the men (especially straight men) out there I am so proud to see so many of you are learning that there are a million ways to be a man and that being vulnerable or doing something a little flamboyant doesn’t make you “gay” or less of a man. Also to start understanding that you don’t have to use the word gay as a negative context and to be supportive of those who are even if you are not. Accepting yourself and others for who they are and celebrating people for their diversity will make this world a more joyful place.

I am happy to be witnessing the death of toxic masculinity for so many men out there. Men who will inspire more men to be themselves. Barbie has always been that for the world. I truly feel hope for the future of humanity.


If you would like a commission of a simple line art drawing for $5 let me know down in the comments! Proceeds will go towards editing and finding amazing artists to commission for book covers for my future projects. It’s a way of supporting me while I am able to give something back to you as well! 

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If you’d like a quality candle check out THE SISTERS OF TWILIGHT CANDLE COMPANY WEBSITE

If you would like to support me directly here’s a link to BUY ME A KOFI!

I Watched: Strange World

Ever since I heard about Strange World and it’s unfortunately poor advertising, I knew I needed to set aside some time to watch it. So today, feeling good and ready I opened up Disney plus and watched it.

I love the openness and the acceptance in this film. Ethan is gay and his family supports him when he talks about his crush Diazo. I’m happy that in this movie Ethan being gay is not a point of conflict. The main conflicts lies in the family dynamics of the father figures in the film wanting their son’s to follow their paths. The generational issue from grandfather, to father, to son. As well as, healing the dying mystical energy plants that supply the power to the whole city they live in.

Strange world is fantastical and beautiful. It’s heartwarming and full of amazing detail. They truly fleshed out a strange, artful, and unique world for this film. You feel like an explorer of your own right watching the film. It’s truly beautiful. The way they give the creatures personalities and expressiveness even which such minimal design is so cool.

Strange world is a film I highly recommend to everyone to watch. It’s the love of a family who all want to do and be the best they can for each other. Plus for all the animal lovers out there, fantastical creatures galore. It’s a grand good time.

THANK YOU ALL FOR READING! Let me know your thoughts down in the comments below! 

Join me in my live streams on Twitch! 

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If you’d like a quality candle check out THE SISTERS OF TWILIGHT WEBSITE.

If you would like to support me directly here’s a link to BUY ME A KOFI! 

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Halsey: If I Can’t Have Love I Want Power: An Experience

Yesterday I had the upmost pleasure of watching ‘Halsey: If I Can’t Have Love I Want Power’ with my friend Emma last night.

Throughout the whole thing I had chills. It was stunning and emotional and gorgeous. I learned a bit about what the changes look like in a woman’s body during pregnancy. As I’d never seen a nude pregnant woman before and that was fascinating. Also, the emotional feeling as a woman goes through the various months of pregnancy.

Also her going through abuse and not taking it and killing the king. Especially when she did have a toxic relationship in the past was like watching a redemption on the screen. She’s such a strong and amazing woman. I love her.

This movie was art.

Every piece of imagery was so impactful.

This being shown in the beginning and later at the end making you understand why she’s in shackles. It gave me chills.

This was one of my absolute favorite looks she does in the film. Halsey is herself a queen who does what she wants and has her fun and is regal as she does it. Her hair here was so stunning I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen.

Yet still I wish I could watch it again and understand more. She had this connection to this witch in a mirror but the witch was her. This image is one of her final looks in the film after she is murdered and will not experience motherhood and I am so curious about the meaning. Is she ascended? Is it vengeance? Was she truly a witch that will live on as such? It’s so fascinating.

All in all, if you get the chance absolutely watch Halsey’s film! I can’t believe I got the chance because my friend had an extra ticket it was an experience and a joy I’ll never forget. The music was amazing. The makeup and the story itself was so amazing to watch.

THANK YOU ALL FOR READING! Let me know your thoughts down in the comments below! 

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If you would like to support me directly here’s a link to BUY ME A KOFI! 

My friend started Live Streaming so check them out HERE!! 

Places to donate to Trans communities:

Trans Equality 

The Trevor Project

Transgender Law Center 

Some BLM resources: 

Link to bail funds to donate to!

Link to petitions to sign! 

Link to a video to watch if you can’t donate!

Watching: Gunpowder Milkshake

It was pulling me to watch this film with every part of my being so, I let myself enjoy it and I absolutely adored it.

This film was funny a good bit gorey and a whole lot of fun. I loved the imagery of it. The neon and the milkshakes themselves really stood out. The diner-esque set ups that weren’t just the diner itself. The dentist hospital with the very neon feel. The gorgeous library that had some of the most beautiful themed rooms.

Every single fight was absolutely 100% unique. The curiosity became how would Sam kill next? She was someone you couldn’t look away from and the way she fought was so different based on the situation presented to her. Everything was made to be a weapon. Weather that be a gun, a milkshake, a bowling ball case, or a car. There was no thing that wouldn’t be utilized by Sam.

The story too was so much fun. She’s an assassin taking care of a little girl who is the daughter of a man she kills. All of it is so lovely. The connection she makes to her. The connection that Sam’s mom broke when Sam was young. How it all connects and comes together at the end.

I loved this movie. I was smiling and excited and so curious at every moment. I loved Emily the little girl Sam protects and how brave she was and how she declares herself as an apprentice.

This movie is so fluid and so cool. Almost like watching a dance routine. Definitely a lot of the fights felt that way. It was so awesome to watch!

All in all, there’s not much more I can say, but that I felt so happy watching this movie. I didn’t stop smiling and I had a blast. It’s a glorious bit of fun.

THANK YOU ALL FOR READING! Let me know your thoughts down in the comments below! 

Places to donate to Trans communities:

Trans Equality 

The Trevor Project

Transgender Law Center 

Some BLM resources: 

Link to bail funds to donate to!

Link to petitions to sign! 

Link to a video to watch if you can’t donate!

My friend started Live Streaming so check them out HERE!! 

Check out my Instagram and Twitter

ICheck out the Sisters of Twilight website.

Top 5: Top Picks For Me From Netflix

Recently, one of my favorite past times is watching Netflix. I love seeing what it’ll recommend me and if it would really be a movie or show I’ll enjoy. So I thought that I’d like to share the top 5 recommendations Netflix made for me:

5. A Series of Unfortunate Events

‘This series follows the tragic tale of three orphans — Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire — who are investigating their parents’ mysterious death. The siblings are saddled with an evil guardian named Count Olaf (portrayed by Emmy-winning actor Neil Patrick Harris), who will do whatever it takes to get his hands on the Baudelaires’ inheritance. Violet, Klaus, and Sunny must outsmart Olaf at every turn, foiling devious plans and disguises.’

It’s really not a surprise that this show is being recommended to me. This book series is one I had started when I was younger and greatly enjoyed. It’s slightly dark and weird, but so much fun. It’s a matter of time before I watch the show.

4. Crimson Peak

‘After marrying the charming and seductive Sir Thomas Sharpe, young Edith (Mia Wasikowska) finds herself swept away to his remote gothic mansion in the English hills. Also living there is Lady Lucille, Thomas’ alluring sister and protector of her family’s dark secrets. Able to communicate with the dead, Edith tries to decipher the mystery behind the ghostly visions that haunt her new home. As she comes closer to the truth, Edith may learn that true monsters are made of flesh and blood.’

I think that I keep thinking I’ve watched this movie before and then skipping out on it, but I actually am not sure I have. Whatever the case, I’ve definitely wanted to and will watch this movie very soon.

3. Moxie

‘Inspired by her mum’s rebellious past and a confident new friend, a shy teenager publishes an anonymous zine calling out sexism at her school.’

When the book Moxie came out I always had it in my mind I really wanted to read it, but I never got my hands on it, but it’s really no surprise that the movie is being recommended to me.

2. I Am Not Ok With This

‘A teenager navigates the complexities of high school, family and her sexuality while dealing with new superpowers; based on Charles Forsman’s graphic novel.’

Why wouldn’t I watch this? It sounds amazing!

1. Gunpowder Milkshake

‘To protect an 8-year-old girl, a dangerous assassin reunites with her mother and her lethal associates to take down a ruthless crime syndicate and its army of henchmen.’

I cannot say how strong the urge to watch this movie has been. It sounds so intriguing. God I hope I love it. I need to watch this soon!

THANK YOU ALL FOR READING! Let me know your thoughts down in the comments below! 

Places to donate to Trans communities:

Trans Equality 

The Trevor Project

Transgender Law Center 

Some BLM resources: 

Link to bail funds to donate to!

Link to petitions to sign! 

Link to a video to watch if you can’t donate!

My friend started Live Streaming so check them out HERE!! 

Check out my Instagram and Twitter!

Check out the Sisters of Twilight website.