Murder House

Enticed by a price

Cheaper then any other

For a house of grandeur

Whose outside was beautiful

The inside hid great and dreadful horrors

Horrors that make your insides twist

Make what you’ve eaten want to come out

Yet, you didn’t know so you bought

You bought and for a while All was fine

Till you heard scratches in the walls

Screams you’d thought were nightmares

Crumbs appear where you’d thought you’d cleaned up

Things disappearing and reappearing where you didn’t have them placed

You convince yourself

I’m paranoid

Everything is fine

Yet the subtle insanity creeps into you

Until things escalate in slow calculation

The smallest drop of blood on the carpet

A scratch on the wall your sure wasn’t there before

Loud breathing above you as you sleep alone

Yet you still think it was a dream

Then suddenly it grows bolder

You have scratches on your body

Bruises you don’t remember receiving

You step on a piece of shattered glass

Yet you hadn’t dropped anything since you arrived

You start your bath and leave to get something to eat and you come back to scalding water

You run through your mind every small event

They twist into each other and your mind starts to crack

Broken lights that shouldn’t be broken

That one drop of blood to that stench of urine

The stench you’d smell sitting in the living room

Your hand holding the remote searching for just the right thing to watch

the crack becomes a fracture and you put your head in your hands

You scream and scream and you hear laughter and you scream and scream and tears fall as you scream

When it comes for you from behind you had finally gone quiet, but it whispers in your ear

And then it leaves you alone

Because it is not done playing

You’ve had enough you try to leave

You make it outside

Spend a week away with a friend

Then you come back

Because it sounds like a nightmare and you’ve never before been afraid of the dark

That was the last time you’d ever leave that house

And the monster laughs and laughs and laughs

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little poem. It was fun to write. Let me know your thoughts down in the comments below.

-Till next time!

Dark AbodeĀ 

Dark Abode 
A place I visit in my dreams

Dark and frightening as it may be

Haunts me, yet calls to me 

beaconing for me to walk up its desolate path 
A home of the forgotten 

A place for the weak 

Where demons roam freely 

They call to me 
I try to run away 

But the seduction is sweet 

A curiosity that burns

To know more of its ways
I walk deeper In the woods

The path abandoned 

It swallows me whole 

I’m trapped forever 
I run to find an exit 

Till no light can be found 

I curl into a ball to sleep 

On the steps of the dark abode

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed the creepiness of this poem. Something about darkness has always intrigued me and I felt like writing something that encapsulated that connection I feel with darker works. Let me know your thoughts in the comments! Next month is National Poetry Writing Month as well as Camp Nanowrimo and I can’t help but feel like writing a lot more poetry. Even before the month begins. 

-Till next time! 

A Single Lullaby

Hello there my little darling 

Don’t worry your pretty head 

Let your dreams be filled with wonder 

Let your life be free of dread 

Hello there my little sweetheart 

You know that I’ll be fine 

The creepers keep on creeping 

But I’m too tough to die 

Hello my lovely little pumpkin 

I will always be here for you 

His shadow may be lurking 

But sleep will comfort you 

Hello my dear little princess 

You know I won’t be late 

This song is your protection 

I sing to keep you safe 

Hello my little cutie 

Your smile holds my heart 

Please just keep being happy 

He cannot steal your love 

Hello my little baby 

I know your scared it’s true 

The man who lurks in the shadows 

The man who smiles at you 

Hello my little child 

I don’t know if it’ll be long 

Before my voice gets tired 

Before my voice goes wrong  

Hello my little one 

I’m so very sorry 

His breath is drawing near you 

I can’t protect you anym………. 

This was inspired by the image in the beginning from insidious