Thank you Blogging Community

I’m so appreciative of being able to be a part of this community. Sometimes it’s nice just to sit down and write a post about the love I feel for this community.

What’s brought this on at this time is my Bojack Horseman post. I haven’t been posting regularly as much recently and yesterday’s post has been really wonderfully received.

I started this blog as a book blog and as my life has shifted so has what I’ve posted about. I feel like I can be totally myself with blogging. That I don’t have to stay in one area that as my interests shift so can what I post about. It’s a really wonderful thing. I appreciate all of you reading this for that.

I don’t know what this blog will become. I don’t know how I will continue to grow and change as a person, but knowing that I will always be supported along the way is amazing.

Thanks to all of you. Blogging is such a joy for me. The response from yesterday’s post was a reminder of that. I can’t wait to keep posting and see what fresh and new things are on the horizon for me.

THANK YOU ALL FOR READING! Let me know your thoughts down in the comments below! 

Check out my Instagram and Twitter

Check out The Book Raven Poetry website

Checkout The Book Raven Poetry Instagramand Twitter

Check out the Sisters of Twilight website.

My 3rd Blogoversery!!!!

This is my 3rd blogoversery. Officially I’ve been blogging for over 3 years! It’s been an incredible journey and I can’t say how incredibly it has changed my life.

Blogging has been my anchor in what was the most difficult period of my life. It was my something to do to pull myself above water and to take responsibility for my own happiness and health.

Through blogging I had a place to discuss my moods and my depression and through that I started to see what triggered it and how to find a way out. It helped me sit one on one with my anxiety and how I couldn’t continue on the way I was before. I learned how to flip the script in my mind to appreciate what I had in front of me. To honor my wants and desires and to let go of everything not in my control.

What I blog about and how often I do so has changed much. I do the best I can when I can. But, if I don’t feel like it that day or didn’t have the time I let that be ok. So many of you have stuck with me for so long. Some of you I’ve talked to personally about some of the more difficult things that have happened. Doing so has helped me immensely and I am grateful to those of you who know who you are.

I can’t say enough how amazing it is to be in a better place now mentally, physically, and emotionally. That is to say I still have bad days, but they don’t dictate my life. I’m human. I’ve learned to hold onto the good and let go of all the rest. The amount of good that has come from that choice has been infinite and I know that an infinite of good is what’s out there for me.

To every single person who follows and reads my content, Thank you! If anything I’ve ever said has made you smile or think a little deeper or helped you in any way whatsoever I’ve done my job as a blogger. Thank you all for being there. You have truly changed my life!

Thank you all for reading! Let me know your thoughts down in the comments below!

Check out my Instagram and Twitter!

Check out the Wolfe Creek Candle website and Instagram!

Yesterday’s Wordcount: 0

3,000 Followers Celebration!!

Every time I reach a major milestone it surprises me. This one is no exception. This one in particular is surprising because my blogging has been super sporadic and in general different. Mostly because I haven’t been reading as much or writing as much due to many different things. I’m working on changing that, but right now I’m a work in progress so I’m taking things one day at a time.

This is the first time I’ve ever felt like I don’t deserve this. Just because as much I’ve wanted to return to blogging and move forward positively something inside always blocks me. But, I’m going to keep trying. Because this blog has brought a lot of good in my life and I have to get back to where things are going well again.

I have so many books to read and movies to talk about and ventures to pursue. I’m tired of feeling stuck. But, I can choose to not be stuck. So that’s what I’m going to choose. So hopefully over the next few days, weeks, and months I’ll feel less like an imposter and more like myself. I have the means to turn things around for myself and so that’s what I’m going to do.

Thanks so much for being on this journey with me. I’m sorry that my blog has been so sporadic lately. I’m going to do my best in the coming days, weeks, and months to bring my blog back to what it once was.

Thanks for reading! Let me know your thoughts down in the comments below.

-Till next time!

Let’s Talk: #Bookishwish

The twitter sensation that brought out some of the biggest shows of love and generosity from the bookish community has given me so much hope. Ever since it’s inception I’ve been on the receiving end of a lot of love and support and it means a lot after all the financial, mental, and family struggles I’ve been dealing with for such a long time.

I put off creating this post for a while, because I wanted to make sure I could talk about this the way I wanted to and because I couldn’t quite believe the disparity between how I was feeling at work and the worry at home with my mom and dad’s health declining. It’s like now more then ever there have been people cheering me on many who never spoke to me before now and who have given me some slices of joy to hold in the middle of my stagnant situation.

For those of you who haven’t heard Bookish Wish is a hashtag where you can share your book wishlist and have your wishes granted. As for my own I had created a list of diverse books featuring various backgrounds, mental health reps, and sexualities. I figured, if I’m going to get some books they needed to be books that were supportive of the many different human beings out there, because if I could read those titles I could scream and shout my love for them on my blog and that felt right.

This is a post to thank all the bookish fairies who have graced me with some amazing titles. I have only received in the mail a few so far, but I want to share this so you all can give these people the love they deserve.

The books I’ve received in the mail:

This copy of a Frozen Heart from Alexa @pageoflovealexa

I saw a #bookishwish post from Alexa with a photo of some books she wanted to give out that was first come first serve so I asked for A Frozen Heart, because I loved frozen when I first saw it and I couldn’t help myself!

This copy of Starfish:

And this copy of Six of Crows from Soph @lif3sophi4

Soph is an amazing human being and I managed to win her bookish wish giveaway. When speaking to her she was such a sweetheart and she suprised me with SOC when she only told me she was sending Starfish (The Book I wanted to own since I read it because I am so in love with it!!!). I am so grateful to her.

Books I have not received:

They Both Die at the End & American Street from Allana @allanamanana

Talking and becoming friends with Allana has been awesome! She is super sweet and loves book with all her heart! Send love to her booktube! The Awkward Book Nerd

When the Moon was Ours from Mikee @RWMTrade

My obsession with magical realism has escalated and I need all the magical realism in my life! Mikee is an amazing Bookish Fairy who has done her fair share of wish granting so I hope everyone goes and showers her with love!

A unknown novel from The Bookish Fairy @tbookishfairy

She is granting one of my wishes to send out in October… I have no idea which one, but whichever one it is I know I will love it!!! I can’t wait!!! Also her name is literally The bookish fairy! How cool is that! She is a lovely human!

The Extra Special Cases:

Signed copy of In Sight of Stars + ???? From Gae Polishner @gaepol

So this was not for bookish wish, but this happened a few days after I first posted my wish list and I wrote an e-arc review for Gae’s In Sight of Stars. I cannot say enough how much her generosity means to me. Not only did I interview her… not only did she offer to let me Giveaway her book, but she also offered to send me a copy of this one… speaking with her has been so amazing and I had already loved her from the beautiful book she wrote, but I loved her more after seeing what a genuinely beautiful person she was. This has to be one of the best things to come from this blog. What a gorgeous and heartwarming surprise.

If you want to enter the giveaway here is the link:

E-book copy of The Darkest Part of the Forest from Andrew @Groovy Glasses

Ok so.. *calms heart*. Andrew is one of the most incredible human beings I have had the pleasure of getting to know. He first approached me on my 2,500k follower celebration. He blew me away when he offered to send me this ebook as a thank you for inspiring him to start his own blog. This was not a bookish wish gifting, but I could not create this post without mentioning him. I can’t fully describe how genuine and awesome he is. Every single time we talk there is just one more thing to love about him. The fact that the post where I mentioned that I hadn’t gotten to read Holly Black was decently far away from my 2.5k celebration post was not lost on me. I can’t say enough how grateful I am to him. All of you reading this need to sprinkle his new blog with all the love!!!!

So now…

The people I have mentioned here have all been a part of a time in my life where chaos is everyday. Because of them, I have some beautiful pieces of joy to hold on to.

In essence this is what Bookish wish is all about. Community coming together sharing without asking anything for it. The kindness this has sparked especially for those who don’t have as much access to books because they live internationally is incredible. Hashtags like #bookishwishPH have given others the opportunity to read books that may be banned or unavailable. It’s an incredibly beautiful thing. I know that a website is being worked on for the tag and that bookworms everywhere are doing their best to give.

I felt extremely guilty at first when I wanted to enter. Yet it was unfounded guilt. I knew that I could not and still can’t afford to give or even buy books for myself, but I pledge that when I can I will return all this generosity ten-fold. I want to be the reason for someone’s happiness as much as all the people above have been reasons for my own. I have been feeling more positive then ever by being filled with the love and support from this community. If I could do that for others… that would mean the world.

I encourage everyone to give the tag a try on twitter. You never know what might come from it.

If you wish to support me and this blog I leave my Amazon wishlist here:

I promise that every book I receive will be read and loved and shared everywhere I can.

If you have any wishes leave them below and maybe someone reading may grant your wish as well. Also, if your looking to grant wishes make sure to check out #bookishwish on twitter! There are so many people dreaming of owning some amazing books!

Thanks for reading! My heart is so full after writing this. I will forever be grateful.

Let me know your thoughts down in the comments below!

Check out my twitter and Instagram!

-Till next time!

2,000 Followers! Thank You! + Q and A Announcement

It’s the last day of March and I’m proud to say I am ending this month off with a bang!

Tonight I opened up my WordPress app to see this:

My 2,000th follower has deemed my content worthy of their readership and I couldn’t be more thankful. The decision for me to blog has been one of the best decisions of my life.

I love the people that I’ve discovered because of this journey and I love the opportunity that this has opened up for me. There are so many books that I never would have read if it wasn’t for the blogging community. This has given me so much hope for a wonderful future.

My life has taken so many turns and ups and downs recently that I don’t know what to expect. The one thing I know is that the Book blogging community is one that I want to be a part of always. The people here are amazing and I’ve learned so much from all of you over this past year.

For this milestone I want to do something I haven’t done in a long time. A Q + A!

Ask me anything you like bookish related or not. I want to answer anything you are curious about!

I owe so much to all of you. Thank you for every time you’ve commented or liked one of my posts. Thank you for every single time you though one of my posts was interesting enough to read. Thank you for sticking with me as I have grown. Just Thank you!

As always, Thanks so much for reading!

-Till next time!

700 Followers!!!! Thank you!!

I feel as though I’m in a place in between my dreams and my reality where the things that I never knew could be possible happen. 700 is huge for me. I can’t believe that there are 700 human beings out there in the world that sat down with their device, hopped on WordPress, read some of my work and decided that they cared enough about what I write to want to hear more. 700 people in this world actually care about what I have to say and that’s huge. 

In my life, all I’ve ever wanted to be was a writer. I wanted to share my stories if only to impact one persons life and make just the slightest difference in this world. 

These past couple of weeks have been amoung the most trying of my entire life yet, somehow, somehow they’ve also been some of the weeks that have given me the most hope. 

All my life, I’ve lived with my God family. Well truly it started as a daycare situation that became so much more. My Gradmother, who had adopted me, was never made to be a mother, she never treated me right and leaving me with my God family is the best thing she has ever done for me. 

However recently, my grandmother has decided to stop supporting me. Me and my grandmother have always butted heads, but this, this was a new low. There have been financial struggles that have been going on with my God family for a very long time are still very much present, because of this things have felt like they were spiraling out of control. In the midst of this however I’ve found some wonderful beauty, I am switching schools so that I can work during the day, I actually have a job, I came up and made major steps towards creating The Raven Book Crate (which I am doing everything I can to fund. No matter what this Crate is going to exist. (I even have a release date *whispers August*)), and this 700 followers on my blog and I stop to think to myself that maybe just maybe what’s happening right now, the juxtaposition of good and bad is the place that will be the starting place for something even greater then I could ever imagine. 

I feel like crying right now. From exhaustion and fear and hope and insanity and love and joy and just the everythingness that is happening to me at the moment. I’m simply grateful. To every single one of you. Each read, like, comment, and follow tell me that my words matter, and that is the greatest gift I could ever receive in my life. 

Thank you. Thank you for existing. Thank you for inspiring me and for inspiring others. Thank you for doing all you do. Thank you thank you thank you! 

As always, let me know your thoughts down in the comments. I’m sending you all the love in my heart. 

-Till next time! 

400 Followers!!! What a thing to wake up to!

This morning I opened my eyes, tired, groggy, and not fully there, I search for my phone and open it to see that over 400 people decided they enjoyed my content enough to follow me, and it feels incredible. 

As a lone book-lover who joined this lovely community just a short 4 months ago, these feelings are indescribable. A whole world has opened up and I’ve gotten to speak with so many lovely bloggers that it makes me so hopeful for the future. 

So to all of you who have supported me in any way, I thank you. Every single individual human being that has read, liked, or commented on my posts have truly touched my heart. I appreciate it so much more than you could ever know. 

So, I’ve decided that I want to do a Q and A post. Everytime I see one of these posts I find them so interesting and they are really helpful for getting to know a fellow blogger. Ask me whatever your heart desires, personal, weird, book or blogger related. Anything goes! I look forward to seeing what you all come up with!

As always, thanks for reading, let me know your thoughts in the comments (rather your questions as it so happens in this post). Keep being the beautiful individuals that you are!

-Till next time!

Childhood Wanderings

I never thought I wanted to be a writer. In fact, I despised it when I was young, especially because I related it to handwriting and mine has always been terrible. In fact, I attributed writing to a forced task that was a nuisance keeping me away from going outside and looking for rolly pollys and other creepy crawlies with my dad. 
As a kid that’s what I lived for, walking behind my dad, hearing him tell me “follow the charge.” To which I would run ahead and say, “follow me.” I loved helping him. I loved scraping the dirt and finding weird pupas to hold in my tiny hands. I loved picking up a worm and yelling “look daddy, it’s a worm.” I was a queen of the obvious as most children are, yet bugs amazed me and my dad was the reason I never minded their sometimes slimy skin. 
I feel like I owe a lot of my love for writing thanks to these moments I shared with my father. Watering plants and learning about life from him built a wonder and compassion that has created a huge part of who I am. Feeling so at home in nature gave me the curiosity to look a little deeper, to give myself to what I felt, and feel the need to record the beauty of days spent idle yet full of wonder. 
My dad was never much for books, but he always told me stories, stories that sharpened my mind, created a believer in me, made me think, made me wonder. My childhood is filled with days walking hand and hand with him. Speaking about butterflies and mischief, God and the beauty of bees. Those days under the sun, spending my time listening to his tender voice, sparked a love for words in me that I never realized was so important. 
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed. I am so happy to be able to share with you all a piece of my life that lead me to pursue the path I am on today, especially such a joyful part of my childhood. Let me know your thoughts in the comments! I’d love to hear any childhood stories you have, what are some of your brightest moments from when you were a kid?

-Till next time!

Blogger Appreciation: Celebrating 300 lovely followers!

I didn’t think I would be making this post so soon, but today I hit 300 followers! Thank you to each individual being who has chosen to take a look at my blog, every kind word, every like, and every read means so much to me. Thank you!

In celebration of the fact of how grateful for everyone’s support I have complied favorite quotes and passions from many of you who have both supported and inspired me! Thank you all! I wanted to do something for everyone I could to show how much I appreciate everyone’s beauty as individuals. I was touched by the responses. 

This is….

Sofii @ A Book. A Thought.  

Sofii’s Passion: 

My answer would be, first. What impassions me? I suppose I could say books and reading, but that would be very obvious ajaja. I would also say my family, because I’m very close to them and it’s something that I think I’m very passionate about, I would give anything for each one of them and Dance! , I’ve done it since I was little and I love it , more specifically Caribbean rhythms. 🙂

Sofii’s Favorite Quote:

On the other hand my favorite phrase: It’s difficult to choose only one but it would be this: “One must always be careful of books,” said Tessa, “and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us.” – Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel. XOXO 😀

Ava @ Reads, Rhythms, and Ruminations

Ava’s Passion: 

I’m most passionate about music, books and anime.

Ava’s Favorite Quote: 

I think I’ll have to go with this beautiful quote from I’ll give you the sun – “You have to see the miracles for the there to be miracles.” It is such a positive and encouraging quote that always warms my heart no matter how many times I read it. It is indeed something to live by. 

Teacher of Ya (an inspiration) 

Teacher of Ya’s Passion: 

I am passionate about YA literature! I wrote my thesis about it. I find it’s incredibly important to make sure classrooms use it and have access to it, because though “classic” literature is great, sometimes students need to read books that they can identify with, with characters that mirror them. So I’m big on that…that’s why I named my blog TeacherofYA. I try to help as much as I can!

Teacher of Ya’s Favorite Quote: 

Second…what is my favorite quote? Hmmm…that’s a tough one. Let me see…

I think you’re going to think it’s weird…but it’s “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.” I use this quote all the time. Basically, it means that even though we think we are doing something with good intent behind it, if it’s bad, it’s still bad. For example, you can steal something because you have no money for a gift…and the intent is good, but the act is bad. Hence, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. I say it a lot when people say, “but I meant well.”

I’m not really judgy, so that’s not why I like that particular quote. Mainly it’s because it reminds me that though I might think I’m doing something good, I really need to weigh the risk against the possible benefits. Ok…I know, weird quote, right?

(Note from Tiana @ The Book Raven: this quote is definitely not weird, at least to me anyway, carry on) 

Krysti @ Ya and Wine

Krysti’s Passion: 

I am passionate about supporting my local indie bookshop and local authors. 

Krysti’s Favorite Quote: 

My favorite quote is: “Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.” By Dumbledore of course 😁
Sophie @ Blame it on Chocolate

Sophie’s Passion: 

I’m passionate about writing, mostly, and reading, of course. But I guess you could say all types of art speak to me on a deep level.

Sophie’s Favorite Quote: 

My favorite quote is probably “Well-behaved women seldom make history” by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. But there are many great ones!

Asiya and Marcela @ Inked Epiphanies

Asiya on behalf of them both, Passions: 

Well, Marcela is away right now, so I guess I will answer for both of us and hope she won’t strangle me at sleep ahah

I think we are passionate about what we do, really. In terms of career and life in general. Also, we are very passionate about singing One Direction songs out loud until our throats hurt but shhh, I never told you that!

Favorite Quote: 

As for the quote, well, it’s hard to pick! I was actually gonna go and check my Goodreads quotes but then figured, there is always one I remember right off the top of my head.

“When you love someone, its never over. You move on, because you have to but you take them with you in your heart” ― Elizabeth Chandler.
Anna @ My Bookish Dream

Anna’s Passion: 

I’m passionate about many things, most of them are nerdy: books, games, anime, tv shows etc. But I’m also very passionate about art, both my own (mostly drawing and painting from time to time) and art history as well – which I’m actually studying in university. 

Anna’s Favorite Quote: 

There are many quotes I love and choosing one is very hard. One of my all time favourite is: “I would always rather be happy than dignified.” – Jane Eyre.
Ice Breaker694 (Aka, awesome and lovely human being) 

IceBreaker’s Passion: 

I’m really passionate about meeting new bloggers and sharing amazing reads with them! I’ve had a lot of fun blogging, and I want to inspire them to keep reading new books!

Icebreaker’s Favorite Quote:

My favorite quote is “Never trust a duck.” 😀 It’s a funny quote from Cassie Clare’s The Infernal Devices series (maybe you’ve read it) that I use a lot.

(Note from Tiana: Hello again! You may shame me, but I have not read The Infernal Devices yet. Onward once more!) 

Nicki @ Secret Library

Nicki’s Passion: 

Besides reading and books of course, I’m passionate about amateur photography. I’ve been a member of a photo a day site. It’s a wonderful online community of amateur and professional photographers. I’m heading towards my 1000th photo but there are members on there who have been posting for over seven years!

Nicki’s Favorite Quote: 

One of my favourite quotes is “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” by C.S. Lewis

Azia @ The Uncharted Word

Azia’s Passion: 

One of the things I am very passionate about is storytelling. Of course I’m very passionate about books, but I think it’s the story that holds everything together. I love storytelling in all forms, especially the verbal and written kind. Stories are powerful and help build connections among individuals. They inspire people to imagine, to learn, and to see.

Azia’s Favorite Quote: 

One of my favorite quotes is “Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars” by Casey Kasem!

Ashley @ Inside My Minds

Ashley’s Passion: 

I’m passionate about a lot of different things, like reading and writing, and baseball.

Ashley’s Favorite Quote: 

 I have a lot of favorite quotes that mean so many different things to me, so it’s really difficult to pick just one.
Raven @ Dreamy Addictions

Raven’s Passion: 

I’m passionate about books and music.

Raven’s Favorite Quote: 

I have lots of favorite quotes but If I had to pick one then I’d pick the following. “The human touch is that little snippet of physical affection that brings a bit of comfort, support, and kindness. It doesn’t take much from the one who gives it, but can make a huge difference in the one who receives it.” It’s a quote from V girl by Mya Roberts.
Kim @ By Hook or by Book

Kim’s Passion: 

Hmm. Okay. I know this is going to sound like I’m taking an easy way out, but my answer to you first question would be books. They take us places where we may otherwise never go. We meet the most fascinating figures in them. And, they’re a never ending source of inspiration.

Kim’s Favorite Quote: 

I have so many quotes I love, but this one by G.K. Chesterton has always been a particular favorite of mine: “Fairy tales are more than true – not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten.”

The Orangutan Librarian (full of books and Satire) 
Orangutan’s Passions: 

I’m passionate about all things books related! 

Orangutan’s Favorite Quote: 

I don’t really have a favourite, but I like this Pratchett one: “Give a man a fire and he’s warm for the day. But set fire to him and he’s warm for the rest of his life.” 
Lia @ Lost in a Story

Lia’s Passion: 

What I’m passionate about is a lot, I am always busy and I love doing everything. However, it turns out doing everything is impossible. So right now I’m passionate about books (of course), blogging (it’s like a sacred place for my thoughts), and I am passionate about psychology (I want to know how and why we do the things we do, and how we could improve ourselves by knowing how we work).

Lia’s Favorite Quote:

My favourite quote used to be “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars” by Oscar Wilde, but now it is: “We have calcium in our bones, iron in our veins, carbon in our souls, and nitrogen in our brains. 93 percent stardust, with souls made of flames, we are all just stars that have people names.” by Nikita Gill.
Gretchen @ Chic Nerd Reads

Gretchen’s Passion:

I’m passionate about writing, reading, women empowerment, having a voice, just simply being yourself, and helping others.

Gretchen’s Favorite Quote: 

It’s what I have tattooed on my ribcage “I was reborn when I was broken”
Birdie BookWorm (As sweet as can be)

Birdie’s Passion:

What am I passionate about… well there’s the obvious, reading. I’m a pusher of books and have gotten into many debates about why books bring people joy and why I think non-readers just haven’t found the right book to spark themselves. But, if you want something not book related, I would say my parrots, who were the inspiration behind my blog and the artwork. I don’t think people realize just how intelligent and affectionate birds are. They have the intelligence of a 3-4 year old, and they act like toddlers too. 🙂

Birdie’s Favorite Quotes:

My favorite quote of all time is probably, because I think the words and the rhythm leads to the melancholy sense of what she’s saying. –

“My father took one hundred and thirty-two minutes to die.

I counted.

It happened on the Jellicoe Road. The prettiest road I’d ever seen, where trees made breezy canopies like a tunnel to Shangri-La. We were going to the ocean, hundreds of miles away, because I wanted to see the ocean and my father said that it was about time the four of us made that journey. I remember asking, ‘What’s the difference between a trip and a journey?’ and my father said, ‘Narnie, my love, when we get there, you’ll understand,’ and that was the last thing he ever said.” – Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta

Or, I like this one by John Green:

“Human existence is temporary and all the knowledge of the universe we acquire will in time be forgotten because there will be no humans left to benefit from any of the stuff we learned. And yet, this doesn’t invalidate scientific exploration to me. We seek to understand the universe because it makes our lives better and more rich. Similarly, we tell stories (and think about why and how to tell stories) because it makes human existence richer. Made-up stories matter. They bring us pleasure and solace and nurture empathy by letting us see the world through others’ eyes. They also help us to feel unalone, to understand that our grief and joy is shared not just by those around us but by all those who came before us and all those still yet to come.”
It’s amazing to me that this doesn’t even scratch the serfice of how many fellow bloggers have touched my heart. Every one of you is truly special. Thank you all for joining me on the amazing journey, let us go on to improve, create, and inspire for the rest of our lives! 

Thank you all for reading. Keep continuing to be the amazing individuals that you are. The world awaits, go and touch it, create happiness, and live free. 
As always, let me know your thoughts and feelings in the comments below. 
-Till next time! 

A Letter To God 

Dear God, 

Today is Thanksgiving day here in America. As I am sure you are aware. I wanted to take some time to give thanks to you, for creating this crazy world. For guiding me and giving me the will to try my best. 

This is one of the hardest things for me to write, but I feel like it is necessary. You have given me so much love and respect and I wanted to give some back to you. 

This year has been crazy. Mixed with the good, the bad, and the awful, but I promise to do my best to be better and do a little good. To form my small little rebellion against the bad. 

I am so sorry to you and all around me for any wrong I may have committed. I ask for forgiveness. 

God, there has been so much anger and hatred in this world. I ask for the strength to fight back against hate and for extra guidance when I don’t quite know what to do. 

I’m so thankful, God. For my family. For the roof over my head. The bed I get to sleep in. The food I get to eat. The people that I have met. The ability to write. For books. For running water, heat, and utilities. I pray for those who do not have these things to be blessed with extra heat, a warm meal, a bath, warm clothes, and a compassionate heart to spend a little time with them. 

I am so thankful for this life. I love you, God. Thank you for being my light in the dark. 

Good night!