So here we are, not long from my 700 follower milestone and now sitting here thinking and wondering how 800 followers came by so quickly. I am astounded and humbled and so so grateful that you all thought that my content was worthy of being read. I am completely speechless that I’m here now when just a week ago I had one of the most terrible days of recent times and now I’m here and I just can’t be anything but eternally grateful to be a part of this community that never stops being a rock of support. It’s been just over seven months since The Book Raven began and I’ve never felt more love in a corner of the internet then I have in this one right here. 

I feel like I should say more… do something more, but I’m at a loss for what to say… what to do. You are all the most amazing people in the world to me. Thank you. 

-Till next time!

55 thoughts on “800 Followers!!! I don’t know what to do…. 

  1. Congratulations. It’s wonderful how blogging can add so much more diversity and communication to your life. I enjoy meeting everyone and learning about different books and other content. 800 is a lot to be proud of! Impressive.

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