I have to admit I’ve been a little lazy lately. Getting up late. Watching whatever I feel like watching. Going to work and coming back to watch something else I feel like watching. But, today is the last of that. Or at least I’m going to be awake long enough to complete my daily goals. We’ll see how long that lasts.

But, this post isn’t about that. It’s about a little movie called ‘Incredibles 2’ and how I feel so proud to finally have watched it.

I watched this movie out of pure nostalgia. I loved it. I enjoyed that it took place right after the original film and that it had so many nods to the original film.

Most of all, I loved the pure excitement I felt when Edna came on screen.

Just look at Edna. She’s amazing. I never fully encompassed why, but I always loved her. Her character always made me laugh, but at the same time I always felt this immense respect for her. She is a boss lady. No doubt about that. I love that even when Mr. Incredible in the room she still holds the power even when it looks like Mr. Incredible could crush her in 2 seconds, it’s Edna who holds the real power. I love that. So, I’m not ashamed of saying that her part is my favorite of the movie. Although, there is a lot that could be said for the rest of it.

Incredibles has always been known for the family aspect. Everyone coming together to fight crime. In this movie I loved that a lot of the most pressing issues didn’t even feel like they were coming from the villain threats, but just Mr. Incredible dealing with how to be a parent. Not only that, but how to be a parent to kids with powers. Which has to be 1000% harder. I loved seeing him get frustrated. I loved the realness of those emotions. Love isn’t easy, but you do your best everyday, because at the end of the day that feeling when you look at your partner, friend, or family member in the eye it’s all worth it. I loved that this movie showcased that.

I also have to say that Jack Jack was MVP.

Just look at him. He was a full on terror. However, some of my other favorite parts were Mr. Incredible dealing with Jack Jack. I would not be able to deal with this little one. He’s a lot to handle, but I love him just the same. If I wasn’t afraid he was going to burn me alive I would definitely give this little one a big hug.

If you haven’t already. Go and see Incredibles 2. Especially if you grew up watching Incredibles like I did. It’s wholly worth the experience even just for the nostalgia.

Thanks for reading! Let me know your thoughts down in the comments below.

-Till next time!

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