Tick Tok, Tick Tok, Tick Tok, the clock inscessently moves forward. Time stops for no one, but sometime I wish I could have a time pocket where I could read for hours on end without having to worry about anything else. 

But the world is cruel and busy and I don’t get to have a pocket of timeless bliss. So I, like everyone else, have to figure out ways to give myself time to read and relax in a world were being busy is what makes the world go round. 

I always bring a book with me wherever I go. If I find myself not needing to do anything else during a moment I pull out whatever book I brought with me and read it, even if it’s just for five minutes. 

One thing I sometimes do that is bad to get some reading time is rush through something I am working on so I can get to do what I really want to do: read. This may be great for my imagination hungry mind, but it is terrible for doing things effectively. 

If I am working on something that is taking forever to do and I can’t continue because my brain is shot I give myself a pity break for a while. During these breaks I read to get some emotion back into my brain and to put some life back into my body. 

What I should be doing is organizing my priorities and getting things done earlier so I don’t have to worry about finding reading time, but sometimes, that just doesn’t work out, or more, I don’t feel like putting it to use. If I just cleaned up my act and worked on better productivity and time-management I would be doing just fine.

Time is both good and bad. I both love and hate time. But the worst feeling of all is when no matter what I do to get back to a beloved story doesn’t work. I finish one thing to be asked to do another and then another and another… Till there is no chance left. This is the feeling that has driven me to write this post. Life is only going to get busier. I never want to live in a world where there is no time to read at all. 

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