Beneath the Sugar Sky (Wayward Children #3) by Seanan McGuire

My Rating: 5 stars!

Cover Rating: 7/10 This cover is one of the more fitting covers for one of these books. It has the pink soda ocean water and the feel of cotton candy clouds. It feels like part of the book.

Publisher: Tor

Publish Date: January 9th, 2018

Number of Pages: 174

Received: tor book club way back

Purchase: Amazon


Beneath the Sugar Sky, the third book in McGuire’s Wayward Children series, returns to Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children in a standalone contemporary fantasy for fans of all ages. At this magical boarding school, children who have experienced fantasy adventures are reintroduced to the “real” world.

When Rini lands with a literal splash in the pond behind Eleanor West’s Home for Wayward Children, the last thing she expects to find is that her mother, Sumi, died years before Rini was even conceived. But Rini can’t let Reality get in the way of her quest – not when she has an entire world to save! (Much more common than one would suppose.)

If she can’t find a way to restore her mother, Rini will have more than a world to save: she will never have been born in the first place. And in a world without magic, she doesn’t have long before Reality notices her existence and washes her away. Good thing the student body is well-acquainted with quests…

A tale of friendship, baking, and derring-do.

Warning: May contain nuts.

Opening Sentence: “CHILDREN HAVE ALWAYS tumbled down rabbit holes, fallen through mirrors, been swept away by unseasonal floods or carried off by tornadoes.”


This was my favorite yet in the Wayward Children series. What makes each installment so good is the worlds that are entered into and the nonsensical yet perfectly sensible quests that the characters embark on. When I realized this one was going to follow Sumi’s daughter Rini on a quest to save her already dead mother I was hooked.

I loved every nonsensical second of this tale. Especially the contrast in experiences from Nacy’s world and Rini’s world. The structure and stillness of the land of the dead. The sweet cake world of soda oceans and candy and baked lined streets and villages of the land of confection. These books truly make you feel like your exploring the worlds you dreamt of going to in your childhood and their a lot more scary then you imagined them being.

I feel like anyone who has ever thought about if they belong in the world they currently live in or if there is somewhere out there in the world that would feel more like home would love these books. It’s a love letter to Alice in Wonderland, Narnia, and all fairytales you wish you could’ve escaped into. These stories are what would really happen.

Expect to find yourself in a sense of wonder as a journey unfolds with a mermaid, a tailor, a candy corn girl, a bone flutist, and a skeleton embark together to save an old friend.


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