The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett By Chelsea Sedoti

My Rating: 5/5 stars 

Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire 

Published: January 3rd, 2017 

Received: Giveaway hosted by Krysti Meyer @ Ya and Wine

Purchase: Amazon & Book Depository

A teenage misfit named Hawthorn Creely inserts herself in the investigation of missing person Lizzie Lovett, who disappeared mysteriously while camping with her boyfriend. Hawthorn doesn’t mean to interfere, but she has a pretty crazy theory about what happened to Lizzie. In order to prove it, she decides to immerse herself in Lizzie’s life. That includes taking her job… and her boyfriend. It’s a huge risk — but it’s just what Hawthorn needs to find her own place in the world. 


Reading this book has left me wondering. Wondering about life, the truth, and how everyone lives in their own world, their own tinted skewed way of seeing things. It made me wonder about how often I asked someone how there day was or what they thought about when they saw the sky. The Hundred Lies of Lizzie Lovett took everything I thought it would be like and turned it on its heal. 

This book with Hawthorn a main character who was flawed, quirky, and hopeful, lead me to mourn for the little girl I used to be, the one that believed in magic, werewolves, and fairies. Yet, it also made me feel like maybe the magic truly is in the mystery and not the actuality and that who I am now is OK. But, I also felt like I needed to change, just a bit. To take risks. To be present. To not be afraid to speak up. To ask others what their thinking. To listen more. To do more. To be better. 

I took this book into my heart and in its characters I saw kinship, hope, the beauty of living, and the wonders of just being. In Hawthorn I saw parts of who I am, parts of who I want to be, and other parts that I could never be. Her thoughts about when she was alone felt so real to me because I have felt those thoughts as well, except I didn’t feel sad, reading this book (till the end anyway… sad and hopeful) I found myself feeling like there were people in Hawthorn’s life that loved her and looked at her and wanted to be with her… it only took a while for her to see that and believe that. We all play roles in people’s lives that we don’t even know we play. A complement to a stranger or even someone you know could mean more to them than you ever thought it could. 

This book got me to thinking about how often we all judge one another. How we think things of people and will never really know the truth, even of the people we are closest to. We all have ideas about how we all are and it’s always different from who we are when strip us down to are bare bones and I think that is beautiful. 

I loved the family and friendship in this story. How authentic everything was expressed. How we often fight with family members, but in the end we come together because we love one another no matter how hard things seem. The teasing between the siblings that often turned into bigger arguments felt real. The worry and reluctant apologies reminded me of how often that happens in reality. 

Lizzie Lovett herself is this shining beautiful fantasy of a person that is built up in your mind. For a girl like her to disappear brings a mystery to be solved. A mystery that everyone wonders at, but one that no one knows the truth of, even after the truth comes to light. 

This book is a gem. A rough unpolished geode that has more to it than what is to be seen at first glance. 

This book represents a lot for me. I enjoyed every second of it. No one in its pages is perfect and I think that’s just what makes this book so wonderful. This book is what it is. I haven’t read a story that felt so much like living. 

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed. Please take a look at reading this book if you can. It truly is wonderful. 

-Till next time!

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