University, homework, trying to stay fit, keeping up with the blog, reading as much as possible, writing, commenting on other bloggers posts, and dealing with all the punches life gives, I am having an emotional burn out. This isn’t to say I’m running out of ideas (in fact, I am suffering from having too many) or even that I’m unhappy with all I have to do. Just that I’m running low on gas and I need to find a way to refill, refresh, and revitalize myself. 

I put all this pressure on myself to keep chugging along and because all my dreams and ideas pop up so quickly and frequently and I am not a very organized person, I have overloaded myself and I am reaching a breaking point. I’m taking this time to reflect and put together my thoughts, to see what I can do to ease this self-inflicted problem. 

  1. Write down a schedule for posts/ organize post types and times better
  2. Stick to that schedule
  3. Start writing extra posts when the time presents itself (especially tags/awards)
  4. Do all homework asap (I don’t procrastinate too much on homework, but it can pile up if I’m not careful)
  5. Stop watching so much YouTube (YouTube sucks away my time more then anything else) 
  6. Read books during the time I would be watching YouTube
  7. Continue exercises (I’ve actually been working out way more often recently!)
  8. Do my best not to fear the writing process
  9. Try not to stress out so much when things don’t pan out quite right 
  10. Try not to be so hard on myself 
  11. Go with the flow 
  12. Just keep swimming!

I promise you, lovely reader, that I am not giving up! Just the opposite, I am working to revamp myself so I am more productive then ever. My schedule at the moment is all over the place and I will do everything I can to give more of my time to what’s important and less on empty calories (i.e. YouTube). I want to create a better life for myself that is balanced and happy. It will be a bumpy road, but everyday comes with new challenges and improvements. I know that good things are coming sooner then I perceive it to be. 
Thank you for reading! Let me know if you have any tips and ideas for me in the comments. I hope to be back on track very soon!

Till next time!

33 thoughts on “Burning Out 

    1. For me, I can’t not write for the blog, it’s so much fun and I enjoy it so much, but it’s everything coming at me at once that is really affecting me. 😦

      I hope it will all get better soon.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Hey, really amazing and inspirational post. We all know how hard it can be and i am going through the same/similar situation as you are. It was really nice to read your post and gain positivity from it ^^ keep ot up and make sure you are kind to yourself as well. Make sure to get some you time when all it matters is you 🙂 enjoy yourself 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I appreciate it! I hope everything becomes more balanced in the future for both of us. I will make sure to continue to take care of myself and to remain kind, to myself and those around me. Thank you for this comment! Everything should pan out better soon!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Girl, I feel your pain! Imagine all that on top of having three kids *crazy exhausted sigh*. I’m taking online classes to get my Bachelor degree in Psychology. While online classes (in general) are easier, the craziness of my house makes it hard to concentrate so I tend to drift to look at everyone’s blogs, or go on Goodreads. It’s frustrating to be honest. I wish I could find time to exercise like you do!! That probably relieves so much stress!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t know what I’d do if I had kids at this time! I honestly admire you for being able to work on the blog and take care of your kids and everything else you do. I still don’t exercise as much as I should, but I have definitely gotten a whole lot better. Thank you for this lovely comment!

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      1. Having kids is great…but I’m surprised I don’t have grey hair yet lol. And the answer to how I handle it….WINE lots and lots of wine lmao (after they’re asleep of course)

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Your post reminded me that I’m not the only one struggling with balancing life. I’m trying to balance school, blogging, reading books I want to, more school work, exercise, bookstagram, and soon a part time job at school. I haven’t figured it out yet but I’m going to try and schedule writing blog posts in advance.

    The only thing that sort of help is giving myself at least an hour to do whatever I really want like coloring books and playing the Sims lol.

    Anyway, I wish you good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The right balance is often really hard to find, but I hope that we all find it for ourselves. I will also be working at a part time job soon and so things are going to continue getting tighter. Let me know how everything works out!

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  4. I get really stressed if I’m not organised because it saves so much time. Blogging on top of a busy full time job and the rest of life can be overwhelming but when that happens I prioritise the reading because if I haven’t read a book, I have nothing to say haha

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is so true! I’m working on becoming more organized and trying to prioritize things better, but at the same time I can be a little lazy. I hope that things will balance out better soon!

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