As a reader there are so many amazing books out in the world that a lot of the time it’s hard to choose what books you read and which ones you don’t. In my life I find that the books that I read come into my life randomly as I very rarely go out with the intent to purchase a specific book. However their are a lot of amazing popular books out there that I haven’t gotten to read yet and the book worm inside wishes that these were the books I attracted into my life. 

The Big Cahuna 

That’s right I haven’t read Harry Potter and while many of you may already know this about me. Its always been something that I felt left out on. After all these years and all the spoilers I have endured, I just really want to purchase these novels and see if they strick in me the obsession that I sense with so many people. 

Six of Crows 

These two novels are so gorgeous looking! Plus their black and red pages are to die for. I’ve heard so many amazing things about this duology that I want to do myself a favor and dive into them as soon as I can! 

The Throne of Glass series 

This is the series I feel like I’m missing out most on. Simply because I have this feeling in the marrow of my bones that I would love this series and it tears at my heart to not be able to read these books! One day! I swear it, I will read them. 

The Lunar Chronicals 

I read Cinder years ago, but I never got to finish reading this series and I hold a bit of resentment because of that. There is so much love in the community for these books. I just want to be a part of it, you know?

The Grisha Trilogy 

I hear slightly mixed feelings from people on this trilogy, but by and large there is so much love for these books! There is a reason why two series from Leigh Bardugo appear on here. There is too much love for her books to not want to read from her. 

The Raven Boys 

As The Book Raven I feel like this is a series I definitely should have checked out already. Especially with how much love I see for this series! I hope for these books to come into my life sometime soon!

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post! There are so many books out there and so little time. Let me know what popular books/series you have yet to read down in the comments. 

-Till next time! 

72 thoughts on “Popular Books I Haven’t Read Yet

  1. Well you’re not alone in this! The only thing from this list that I’ve read is The Lunar Chronicles, and all the others I’ve yet to read… Including Harry Potter haha πŸ™‚

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  2. I haven’t read these except Harry Potter & The Raven Cycle. For ages I felt like the only one that hadn’t read the ACOTAR series, but I have just started it this week finally! I also haven’t read anything by Rick Riordan and I also haven’t read the Red Queen Series either! They are both series so many people love and I just haven’t got to them yet but want to soon!

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    1. I have read Red Queen but not anything after that yet (as much as I want to) I have also read the Peter Jackson series up to the last book only because I never wanted to have it end for me. I just recently read ACOTAR and ACOMAF and I will be doing a review for both of them soon! They are EVERYTHING!

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      1. I think both of those will be series I will really enjoy so I want to get to them soon! But there is just soo many books I want to ‘get to soon’ 😫

        I’m getting close to half way through ACOTAR and I’m enjoying it soo far! Only thing I don’t like about it is that cover, I don’t meant he design, I mean what’s it’s cover with. I have the UK paperback and it has that kind of soft feeling card for the cover and it leaves finger prints all over it whenever it’s touched and it’s kinda driving me insane right now! 😠

        Well anyway back to reading. πŸ˜‚

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  3. I haven’t read any of those, either, Ti! Well, except Harry Potter, which, you need to seriously devour. I’ll be the first person who’ll welcome you to all the crazy SHIZ we potterheads go through :from heart-breaking headcanons to soul crushing revelations. Also saying that the Potter fandom invades any post of ANY KIND. πŸ˜‚πŸŒŒ

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  4. How have you not read Potter yet?? Its just a book that seems to be there.. always, literally everywhere you turn (lol)… But seriously though I hope you do end up reading ’em someday… But I’m with you on The Raven Boys, I need to pick up that series too

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  5. I have read all of these series’ except for The Lunar Chronicles, which I am dying to read! Don’t worry too much though, I didn’t read Throne of Glass series until last year, and Grisha and Raven Cycle the year before! It can take a while to get into a series’, especially when there are so many amazing books out there πŸ˜€

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  6. If it makes you feel any better, the only ones I’ve read on this list are the HP books. But I have the Six of Crows duology because seriously, I couldn’t resist those black and red page edges! It also sounds good though lol. And I’m planning to read the Raven Cycle this year since my library has the ebooks πŸ™‚

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  7. Lucky for me I got to find out about the Harry Potter books in 2005, so I only had two more books to go, really enjoyed reading them, a lot my friends where reading them also, so I wasn’t alone. I didn’t like the turn the Grisha trilogy was taking so I didn’t read the final book and because of it I haven’t read Six of Crow series. I recently finished the Lunar Chronicles and I loved it. The Raven boys so many mixed reviews don’t know if I’m going to pick it up anytime soon, but one day maybe.

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  8. At first I refused to read Harry Potter. I was a teenager when the first book came out and I thought I was too old for it. Then more books came out, more people started talking about them, THEN there was a movie – I was left out but ok with it. A friend forced me to watch the first movie…. then it happened. I finished watching the movie then immediately went to the store and bought every available book. Now I’m obsessed. I hope the same happens to you!

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  9. I would suggest borrowing the Harry Potter books from the library to see if you actually like them before buying them. Also, I have no intentions of reading Six of Crows, Throne of Glass, The Raven Cycle, The Lunar Chronicles, or the Grisha Triology. I have no interest or desire to read them

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They are not for everyone. I read Cinder and I really liked it but I simply never got to read the rest of the series it’s the same with HP I read the first book and liked it as well. There are so many books out there for everyone so I say read what you love.


  10. i haven’t read any of these books. I don’t actually plan to either lol. As for a really popular series I haven’t read, I’m not up to date on Song of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) ooooh bad

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      1. They are quite long books and there is a lot going on. I’ve only read two books and so much has happened, but mostly i’m reluctant to be up to date on them because of how long it take for the next book to be published. I hate waiting lol

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  11. I haven’t read any of these, besides The Harry Potter series (which I should have waited to read because of the agony waiting for the next ones to come out)! I hope to get around to some of them though, especially Throne of Glass because I love ACOTAR so far! I love the idea of this post!

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  12. The only one of these I’ve actually read is the Harry Potter series. After reading Heartless I really want to read The Lunar Chronicles I must get my hands on them at some point soon.

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  13. I finished Grisha Trilogy and six of Crows duology and I loved both of the series! I haven’t finished TOG and The Lunar Chronicles yet but I’m hoping to to finish them this year. The Raven Chronicles didn’t worked out for me because of the slow pacing. I haven’t read HP series either but I enjoyed watching all the movies.. πŸ™‚

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  14. Oh, I have a ton of really popular books/series… even authors I have not read. I might do a post on it as well!

    Also, you should read ALL of these because they are amazing. I’ve only read the first two books of The Raven Cycle and I’ve only read Cinder of the Lunar chronicles, but I still feel confident recommending them. I also haven’t read The Grisha trilogy, but I have read Six of Crows and that takes place in the same world and I adored Six of Crows, so I feel confident about The Grisha trilogy as well. As for Harry Potter and Throne of Glass… you NEED to read them. Just… you need to.


  15. What a great idea for a post! πŸ˜€ It can be so frustrating not having the time to read all the books we want to read. lol I’m with you on a lot of these too! Though I have read (and really enjoyed) The Grisha Trilogy as well as several of the Harry Potter books. I’ve got Six of Crows AND Crooked Kingdom sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be read. I’m really excited to check them out, and as you pointed out, they are seriously GORGEOUS! If ever there was a reason to buy a book based off its cover, those 2 books are it! lol

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  16. OMG READ ALLLLLLL OF THESE!!! I’ve read all of these (except for SJM’s and Grisha), but you MUST MUST MUST!!! I read HP pretty late — I was like “ugh all the praise” but it really was good! And SoC is my life. I pretty recently read the Lunar Chronicles, and it was absolutely WONDERFUL. And the Raven Boys is really good too! AAGGHHH *fangirls*


  17. The Raven Cycle is my love! I’d recommend it to anyone and everyone. I read the first Grisha book when it came out and was not impressed, but I may have to give it another go as a series, especially if I end up liking Six of Crows, which is on my TBR shortlist. SJM frustrates the heck out of me, though. Her writing had improved so much in some regards since ToG started, but she keeps making authorial decisions that I hate. Reading book 4 was like pulling teeth for me, and I think I’m probably done with the series.

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  18. Honestly, I think part of the Harry Potter obsession came from the excitement from fans of waiting a year between books. The anticipation! Reading them one after the other without that anticipation probably takes away from some of the love and thrill that came with the series. But, that’s just my opinion. They are still good and I’ve re-read them numerous times. Also don’t think Six of Crows is worth your time. I seem to be on a lonely island with that opinion but I just didn’t get the hype. That book was a chore to finish. Pretty much same with Cinder. Didn’t get the hype. I was just bored and the story felt completely hollow. I am, however, about the jump on the Sarah J Maas train. Toot toot!

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    1. This is really interesting, yay to Sara and nay to the lunar chronicles and Six of Crows. It’s the exact opposite of what people have been telling me so far, thanks to ACOTAR I am also on the Sarah J. Maas train! Her stories are gold!


  19. I’m really bias (plus some of the series I just didn’t like) and I would suggest Harry Potter and The Six of Crows duology because those are some pretty awesome books. From there you can move on to the next. As far as the Throne of Glass be prepared for a lot of changes after starting with book 3 and beyond.

    Great post!

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  20. I haven’t finished Harry Potter. I read them as they were coming out when I was a kid, but only got to book three. But I’m gonna do the audio books for them since the guy who does them is legendary. All the other series except Throne of Glass I’ve tried and they weren’t for me for various reasons. But keep up that goal of reading and trying them πŸ™‚

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  21. The only ones I’ve read on here is Harry Potter and the first book of the Raven series (literally just finished that one today). I really want to read the Lunar chronicles and finish the Raven series, and as for the rest of them, I’ll probably end up getting to them just because of how much hype they get but I’m not aching to read them.

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