Some of you may have noticed that I have not posted anything since the beginning of this month. I didn’t say anything. I didn’t continue on with any of my previous commitments. After, so many times of self-reflection I just decided that I needed to stop.

I had been incredibly unhappy with what my blog had turned into recently and to be completely honest with a ton of other areas in my life as well. I was loosing sight of what was important to me and I was stretching myself so thin that every single day I went to bed completely exhausted.

The first reason for this unrest was my Read a book a day for the rest of the year challenge. The challenge itself was not the real problem, but it was a cause of another: my sudden lack of control in requesting Netgalley e-arcs. I requested books every single day. I was thinking that because I was reading so much and so quickly that I could easily keep up with all the reviews that I needed to get done because of this. Before this time I only allowed myself to have about 4 netgalley books pending at a time. Now, I have 42 e-arcs waiting to be reviewed.

The problem wasn’t just that. At first I was keeping up with all my requests with ease, but what really got to me was that because I was reviewing a book everyday I was rarely writing any other kind of post. Plus, this didn’t give me any room to breath so that I could read any other books that I had on my shelves.

On top of that this meant that my blog got really predictable. Where as before, I posted whatever I felt like posting for that day while enjoying trying to come up with something unique to write about that I enjoyed. I am at my happiest when I have variety in my life. I need unpredictability in order to feel good. I’m not even talking about anything major, but just something different to spice things up and surprise me.

The worse part of this time for me was the fact that no matter how much I talked about trying to find a balance it was not working because of work. Monday-Friday I have a ton of my time blocked out due to work. It would be fine if it was in the morning, but I start work later in the day and leave at night. Which means my mornings are booked with preparing for work and after work I’m too tired to really want to do anything else, but relax and sleep.

On top of all this I lost something else that is really important to me: writing. My dream is to be a writer and write novels that would inspire others just like the novels I have read have inspired me. With reading, working, and blogging writing my own stories was put to the wayside and that was something that became heartbreaking for me.

One of the best parts of my hiatus has been getting back into writing again little by little. Due to this hiatus my ideas have been sparking again and I have found three new story ideas and have furthered several of my older ones.

Now that this hiatus is officially over I am going to do a few things:

1. I am going to finish all the Netgalley books I have been approved for and I am NOT going to request any more until I have completed all of them.

2. My only true commitment each day is going to be to write for 30 mins. To 1 hour or more each day towards my own books.

3. If I can continue the book a day challenge I will, but I am no longer just going to read books for review.

4. As soon as I finish all my Netgalley reads I am going to get back into writing posts that are not just review posts.

5. If I am feeling too stretched for time I am not going to let it stress me out anymore. I am going to go through with my commitments one slow step at a time.

6. As far as Netgalley goes I am only going to request to where there are only 2-3 books pending to be read on my shelf at any time. (In reality one at a time would be ideal, but for now I am on a Netgalley ban for a long time anyway)

7. I am not going to go on a hiatus like this without mentioning it first again. I feel like I disappeared for too long and there are a lot of things that I’ve missed.

8. I am going to read way more of my own books. I have so many I haven’t read yet and I’m angry with myself with getting caught up with all the arcs instead of just reading the things I purchased because I thought I would love it.

Things will probably be wonky for a while. For now reviews will continue to be my main content, but if I can find a way to do all I wish to do then I will do my best. I might not post every day during the next few weeks and months, but I will finally find my balance.

Thanks so much for reading! Let me know your thoughts and any tips down in the comments below. I’m terribly sorry for being gone for so long. It’s been a bumpy road, but I think I’m finding my way back to a happier place.

-Till next time!

26 thoughts on “My Hiatus and What I’ve Learned

  1. I’m so glad to hear you were able to set these goals and make changes while you were away! It’s so important to reflect and realize when something is not working for you. I wish you all the luck with your future content and getting your blog to a place where you are happy with it again. And don’t feel bad for taking a break when you need them. I’m sure people will understand and support you when you get back 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much! When I first started blogging I didn’t ever think I would need a break. I was always so proud of what I was posting that I never felt exhausted doing it. I got way too caught up in a lot of things to really enjoy blogging anymore and that was when I knew I needed something to change.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m glad you’re feeling better after your break and it sounds like you’ve made a good plan. Like you, I’ve requested too many on Netgalley and I’m way behind. I don’t like the feeling! Plus, I was so late reading a few of them, I ended up having to buy the books so that I could complete the reviews. I don’t want to be in that position and plan to not request like that anymore. I’m not even going to allow myself to browse Netgalley because I have a trigger finger! Lol. 😉

    This is a great post and I hope you feel more balanced. I need to do the same. Here’s to 2018! ❤😁

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wishing you all the best! And honestly, I can relate so much. I also just got back from a hiatus. Plus, the NetGalley thing. I used to frequently request an e-arc that I feel pressured when many of them were approved. In the end, I couldn’t read all of them and I was so disappointed in myself. It was a huge wake up call for me. I started bullet journaling to be organized and it’s working great!

    By the way, this is a very relatable post. Good luck with your writing and everything!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I too need variety. I was researching how to’s on blogs and so many of them were, set a schedule. I do not like schedules…it is much more interesting posting something when I feel like posting it, and whatever inspiration comes to me at the time!
    I only request out a few NetGalley books at a time. I like then read them and review them, and ask for more once those are done. I currently have 4 on my to-read shelf. A couple are super easy ones, like photography books. I might get them out of the way today.
    Take your time with your other posts. I’m sure all of your readers will be here waiting for you when you want to post!
    Chill Mom

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Variety makes things so much better for me. It’s really smart to request a few Netgalley books instead of a ton. I really thought I could handle so many, but in the end I spiraled out of control. I’m excited to get back to blogging and to see where my writing takes me into the new year!


  5. I did notice you were gone and I had wondered what was going on! I’m glad to hear that you’re back. 🙂 I do enjoy your reviews, so I won’t mind seeing those for a while, no worries! XD
    I have a Netgalley problem, too- I’m definitely fine with the amount that I request now, but I have a bunch from when I first discovered Netgalley (and honestly had no idea what I was doing). I think I’m down to about 25 though? I’m trying to read through them all, haha!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. These are good goals! And I’m sorry about the stress and pressure. I think a lot of times, we all focus on the bright shiny books, but forget that this is work and we all fall victim to the stress we don’t really discuss. So, I love this post! And I’m sending you all the love and light! And wish you all the luck for 2018! Happy holidays, love! ❄☃💙xo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much! Hopefully after a ton of reading and reviewing I can get back to a better place in my blogging again. I am just going to accept being behind for a while and try to make sure I slowly, but surely get back on my feet. I am just really happy to be back!

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  7. It’s important not to overdo or overachieve (if this is a verb) but it’s really difficult when you see everyone posting every day. So good luck now that you are back!


  8. Glad you are writing again! I feel like I have put too much on my plate a lot as well, which prevents me from writing, but now that it is christmas break, I finally feel like I have some time and it is great to finally do and think about what I love again.

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  9. Don’t worry about taking a break! I took a semi-break for literally the whole summer, and I am only now really setting concrete goals for my blog for the next year. Sometimes we all need a break.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for understanding! I’m finally getting back into blogging and am happy that I’m starting to figure out what’s important again and I’m just happy to be back. I was so unhappy with my content and so overwhelmed that it felt good to put it aside for a while. I’m hoping for better in the new year!

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