I feel as though I’m in a place in between my dreams and my reality where the things that I never knew could be possible happen. 700 is huge for me. I can’t believe that there are 700 human beings out there in the world that sat down with their device, hopped on WordPress, read some of my work and decided that they cared enough about what I write to want to hear more. 700 people in this world actually care about what I have to say and that’s huge. 

In my life, all I’ve ever wanted to be was a writer. I wanted to share my stories if only to impact one persons life and make just the slightest difference in this world. 

These past couple of weeks have been amoung the most trying of my entire life yet, somehow, somehow they’ve also been some of the weeks that have given me the most hope. 

All my life, I’ve lived with my God family. Well truly it started as a daycare situation that became so much more. My Gradmother, who had adopted me, was never made to be a mother, she never treated me right and leaving me with my God family is the best thing she has ever done for me. 

However recently, my grandmother has decided to stop supporting me. Me and my grandmother have always butted heads, but this, this was a new low. There have been financial struggles that have been going on with my God family for a very long time are still very much present, because of this things have felt like they were spiraling out of control. In the midst of this however I’ve found some wonderful beauty, I am switching schools so that I can work during the day, I actually have a job, I came up and made major steps towards creating The Raven Book Crate (which I am doing everything I can to fund. No matter what this Crate is going to exist. (I even have a release date *whispers August*)), and this 700 followers on my blog and I stop to think to myself that maybe just maybe what’s happening right now, the juxtaposition of good and bad is the place that will be the starting place for something even greater then I could ever imagine. 

I feel like crying right now. From exhaustion and fear and hope and insanity and love and joy and just the everythingness that is happening to me at the moment. I’m simply grateful. To every single one of you. Each read, like, comment, and follow tell me that my words matter, and that is the greatest gift I could ever receive in my life. 

Thank you. Thank you for existing. Thank you for inspiring me and for inspiring others. Thank you for doing all you do. Thank you thank you thank you! 

As always, let me know your thoughts down in the comments. I’m sending you all the love in my heart. 

-Till next time! 

59 thoughts on “700 Followers!!!! Thank you!!

  1. I saw this pop up and I just got really excited for you! Congratulations sweetie! You have an amazing blog, you upload amazing posts and you are an amazing person. I am so proud of everything you have achieved and I am very happy that you are still continuing to reach for your dreams. Do not let anything drag you down, whether that be important people not believing in you or your own self doubt. I believe you are going to carry exceeding all of your goals. Also, good luck with moving schools.
    Have an amazing day,
    Alanna ♡

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!!! This means so much to me honestly, the tears I spoke about are real because they are currently rolling down my cheeks. I’m so grateful to be a part of this community. It is one that gives and gives and gives and I find it to be one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever been a part of. THANK YOU!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ you are amazing and I’m happy to be able to speak with you on here!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. OMG TIANA. DON’T CRY. AHHH. CONGRATULATIONS FOR HITTING 700 FOLLOWERS!!! 🌈🌌❤ You are a really sweet unicorn and just so considerate and I love you for that. Don’t let people or situations get you down or tarnish that pretty glow about you. YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL, GURL. Let no one tell you otherwise. Trust me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much!!! I needed to hear this! Your one of the most special cupcakes I have ever had the pleasure of meeting here on WordPress. Talking to you always brightens my day. I have so much hope for the future and as weird as things have gotten for me recently I’M SO EXCITED for what life has yet to bring. Making it through each day one step towards a brighter future is enough for me to think that there is so much more to come. THANK YOU for being here. Never stop being the wonderful and amazing human being that you are! ❤️🐣🐳


    2. Also, these tears are now good tears happy tears, because I know that I’m not alone. Not just thanks to my God family who all do support me each and everyday but thanks to you and all those in this blogging community. You really make this place a special place on this earth.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. You’re going to make me cry! It’s amazing that you’re pushing through and even deciding to start a business during the difficult times. Congratulations on 700!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well the business was an idea that hit me like a wreaking ball (Miley pun totally intended) anywho, it’s something that I will go crazy if I don’t do. I believe in it so much that I can’t not do it. It could very well be what I need to get out of this mess that I’m currently in.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! That makes me so happy to hear. I’m just happy to be a part of this incredible community where I feel welcomed like no other place I’ve ever been a part of before. Thank you so much for being here! I love your blog and I’m so glad to have been able to converse with you through WordPress!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Major congratulations to you!! That is seriously fantastic, and you deserve each and every follow. Plus the countless others that I’m sure are coming your way. 😉
    Your blog is wonderful, as are you, so keep being true to yourself and doing your thing. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!!! I’m so happy to have your support! I hope that we all continue to grow and grow every day and that all our dreams come true. ❤️ I’m seriously grateful to be a part of this amazing community that has so much love to give. Thank you! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  5. That’s amazing! Congratulations! ❤ I hope things turn around soon for you personally as well. Good luck with all your goals! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh, Tiana, congratulations!! This is so huge, and you deserve all of them and sooooooo many more. Your posts and poems and reviews are always so inspiring. I’m so sorry all of this challenging things are happening to you, but you’re always so strong. Hopefully it turns around and all the good things start rolling in for you! ❤ So much congrats and can't wait to see another 700 more for you. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I’m so happy to have met you through WordPress. I love your blog and it means so much to me that you think my work is inspiring. I hope that things start looking up really soon! I can’t wait to see what the future holds! ❤️


  7. Congratulations!!! You truly deserve it! Your post have made my day several times. I hope everything will be okay with your financial situation. Good luck with The Raven Book Crate! It seems really great😃


  8. Your story is absolutely INSPIRING. I’m so sorry to hear about your family troubles at home, but I’m very glad to hear that you’ve gotten a job and things are looking up!
    You’ve gotten me intrigued by your book crate! Is it a subscription book box kind of thing or a giveaway? I’d love to learn more about it! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I’m happy you find my story to be inspiring. I’m working hard to make sure that things steadily get better for the future!

      My crate is a subscription service box I’m calling The Raven Book Crate! It will be launching in August and it will include two books and many bookish goodies as well! (I’m already in contact with one of the authors and I know that this first Crate is going to be an amazing one! 😊) I will be posting more details regarding the theme and pricing closer to August, but I’m really just bursting with excitement for everything to come together! 😊❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yay! I’m glad to hear that. 🙂
        Your subscription box sounds AMAZING. I’ve followed your site, so hopefully I’ll be able to keep up to date with it, but do you have an email list or something for people who are interested? I don’t want to miss it. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I don’t have a mailing list or anything like that yet. I will have that set up along with the initial website on Crate joy closer to August when the first Crate will be launched into the world! So probably in the second week or so of July.

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  9. It sounds like you’ve been going through a really rough time, but your positive attitude is such a testimony to your amazing strength! Let me know if you’d like me to pray about the financial struggles of you godfamily; I’m so glad to hear that they’ve been able to care for you. They sound like precious people and like they really love you. Hang in there, you have an awesome heart and your blog ROCKS! 🙂 Things will get better! 700 followers and counting 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much!! Things have been slowly getting better, so many things have been happening lately and it’s been crazy. Thank you for asking to pray for me. I truly appreciate it. I’m optimistic for the future getting better and I know that this ruff patch will take a while to get out of.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oy, I know how that is, friend. I have a kind of arthritis that often keeps me housebound for months at a time, and since prayer and a positive attitude really help when I feel low, I thought I’d offer 😀 Things will definitely improve! Keep truckin’! Celebrating your successes like this is such a great step!!

        Liked by 1 person

  10. You are a beautiful person, Tiana, and you deserve all the love and care in the world!
    I could not be happier to see you succeed – congratulations on 700 followers!!! This is a huge milestone and I’m so proud you were able to achieve it! I hope to see another post of yours soon with 800!
    I’m sorry you’re struggling right now… But this, too, shall past ❤ Best of luck, hon, and chin up!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I don’t think you could ever know how much this means to me. I’m hoping for things to start looking up in the future and I’m so happy to have wonderful people like you rooting for me. The blogging community is amazing and you are one of the brightest lights living inside of it! Thank you so much for being here. ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

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