I am a person who often has a lot of ideas and a lot of dreams and will often wish those things were in my reality now, but I’m feeling that is something that’s changing in me. Yes, I have my dreams. I have them and I know they will come true in the time they are meant to.

In 2019, I have sat for a very long time in my anxiety. In a way where I learned more and more where it came from and why I felt that way. For me, it stemmed from never having anything truly solid to hold on to for over 18 years. I didn’t know where I was going to be at any given moment. I didn’t feel safe having friends. I didn’t feel like anything I had would remain.

You take that feeling and you enter a new stage of life where it’s now about working and making your own way and being responsible in a way that has consequences that affect so many others and also dealing with seeing someone you love rapidly aging from illness in front of you causes a very real chaos in your emotions. Yet I’m proud of how far I’ve come. My dad has cancer and that’s not going away.

I’ve already experienced falling apart over everything. Back in November I experienced one of the lowest points in my life if not, the lowest point in my life and the emotions made me physically sick. I had an aftermath of months of feeling heavily depressed and very anxious and I did what I needed to to heal that in myself.

I am no longer holding on to all of that. I’m trusting that my future is going to be ok. That I’m going to be ok, because if I can get myself together after feeling that much pain I can get through anything. In my life right now I’m going after what makes me feel good. I’m making myself a priority. I’m caring for my body and eating healthier foods. I’m continuously letting go of the past and thanking it for the lessons it’s taught me. I’m moving into a time in my life where I’m accepting only the best for myself.

I haven’t felt this peaceful with where I am in life in probably my entire life. I’m becoming a better version of myself in every part of my life. I think that even though I haven’t been productive in terms of career and writing I’ve found something even more important in really focusing on myself which has been my self-worth and peace of mind.

I’ve stopped blaming myself for things in general. I’ve stopped beating myself up and instead have been more focused on being my own best friend. I’ve found that I’ve actually been pretty positive about everything this whole time, because I always felt like my sadness was temporary and it was. Anytime I feel sad now is temporary and there is always happiness to be had up ahead. I feel good. Not just a temporary I feel good a lasting I feel good. That’s something special. I guess it’s like Endgame.. no matter how crappy you feel you have to keep moving forward and living your life and never giving up on the fight. Because even if there’s the smallest spark of something living to fight for the fight is worth it.

To everyone reading, I send you all the peace and love in my heart. I truly wish you all well in life. I wish all of you success and happiness. Even to people who aren’t reading this, people who have touched my life in any way at all. I wish all of you peace. I wish you all the deepest happiness you can find within yourselves. I wish you all experience great joy.

I am not nor will I ever be jaded by life. It’s hard enough fighting everyone else when the biggest fight you’ll ever have is at times the one with yourself. I’m tired of resisting my own life’s path. What’s meant for my life will come.

Thanks to all of you for reading! This was a bit of journalistic sort of thought process post for me. I hope you all enjoyed it!

Check out the Wolfe Creek Candle website!

Till next time!

12 thoughts on “I Feel At Peace

  1. Hey Tiana, it’s so empowering to hear your story and I’m so glad you shared that! I’m at a very similar place right now and I’m just thankful for being me and accepting myself as I am. I appreciate your honesty! keep it going ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks a lot! I’m glad you enjoyed this post. One of the biggest things for me is honesty. Honestly being myself and being truly myself with everyone I meet. It also means being honest when I’m hurting too and sometimes that can be hard, but I feel I’m getting to a better and better place everyday. ❤️

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  2. Shadows are proof that light is near. Whenever I feel like my life is getting dark and gloomy, I always think about that. I hope everything gets better and better in your life Tiana. And I’m so glad you’re past that hard point. I’ve been there, and sometimes visit that place of depression again but I always managed to get out and keep going because life is beautiful no matter what.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes. 🙂 🙂

        And oh, this is gonna be weird because we’re not close but if ever you want someone to talk to, just about anything, my DMs are open. It’s just that, personally, I find it easier to talk to strangers and not in person. And who better can understand us but the ones who also have been through what we’re going through. I’m @lilikmarcus on twitter. I don’t know if we’re following each other already. 🙂

        That said, please ignore this comment if you find my offer uncomfortable and crossing the line. hehe. Thank you.

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