Azia, thank you so much for nominating me for this award. This sort of this tugs at my heart, because it is always so easy to be negative towards yourself at times and it’s so important to step back and feel happy for the good. Read Azia’s post here!

The Rules: 

  • Announce your win with a post, and link the blogger who nominated you.
  • Include the featured image on your blog post.
  • Nominate 10 bloggers (or as many as you can think of) and link your awardees in the post. 
  • List 7 things you love about yourself. (This can be about your appearance, your personality, your achievements, etc.)
  • Don’t use negative connotation (i.e. Don’t say things like – “I’m prettier than an average person.” or “People have told me I’m smart.” You are pretty. You are smart.)

Things I love about myself: 

  1. My ability to believe even when it is difficult. My biggest strength is that even when I am at my lowest, I get mad at myself and snap out it. I continue to believe that things will get better and they always do. Everything comes to an end at one point or another. I try not to hold on to negative emotions as much as possible. 
  2. My eyes, I love my eyes. They are honestly my favorite attribute of myself. They change colors dependig on the lighting from grey to blue to green. Once I was told by a friend that one eye was green and one eye was blue, and I was so shocked and happy. I find my changing eye color to be pretty cool!
  3. I love my love for diversity. I believe that all cultures should be celebrated and respected and that in the end we all bleed the same, and we all have the same basic troubles. All humans are beautiful, and I will fight for that truth till the day I die. 
  4. I love my clumsiness. It may be emabarassing at times, but it is part of who I am. It has been cause for so much laughter and it shows that as much as I try to be tough, I am still human and it is nothing to be ashamed of. 
  5. I love that despite my clumsiness I never fall when I trip. The amount of times I trip would probably be an amazing feat in itself, but I never fall. (For ex. I used to ice skate when I was younger and there was this huge guy in hokey gear that ran into me and I surprisingly didn’t fall.) this god sent gift has probably saved my and my dogs life more than once. (The amount of times I have tripped on my dog Gypsy is ridiculous, ‘sorry Gypsy’)
  6. My fierce loyalty and protectiveness. I would do anything and everything to protect those I care about no matter what. 
  7. My love of reading! I love that I love to read, it has made my life so much better and it helps you to understand and get exposed to so many wonderful and unique things. Reading is one of my greatest joys!

My amazing nominees: 

Blame it on Chocolate
Perfection in Books
Ya and Wine
Melting Pots and other Calamities
The Little Reading Blog
Brilliantly Bookish
Lil Book Lovers
Royal Reader
Cuppa N’ Critiques
Book Shelves and Biros
The Book Thief without Words
Ellie’s Bookshelf

Thank you all for reading. What I really want to do is nominate everyone of you that reads this. We all need to participate in the act of self-love and while I did find this post difficult to write, I found it therapeutic. Let me know your thoughts and I hope that you will participate in this award sometime soon!

Continue to be the amazing human beings that you all are. 

-Till next time!

37 thoughts on “Miranda Sings Award

  1. Ah yes. Everyone needs this tag in their life. It’s honestly life saving and makes you feel happy and proud of yourself for making to this far. You go, GURL! 🌌💃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is hard to do, it was really difficult thing to think of positives for me, but in the end you realize there more good in you then you could ever know! I’m so happy to see what you come up with!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, I honestly can’t remember ever being called cool, before so I’m just going to embrace this comment and feel good about myself for it. Really, I am very grateful. Your an amazing human being!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Such a cute post! Love your answers, Tiana 😀 I love your love for diversity, too! It’s such a wonderful quality to have and who doesn’t love their love of reading?? I’m so glad you mentioned that as well! Love your positivity 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve never seen this tag either, and I love it!! It’s so important to recognize your strengths and beauties!!! And I love that your clumsy, that made me chuckle lol… I really wish I had the no fall factor (sounds like a super power), because I fall HARD, clear to the ground. Ever. Single. Time… winter/ ice is a rough road for me 😂😂 it’s a good thing I’m igile and have a great sence of humor because I’m really not a very gracefully flower.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m certainly not graceful, but as clumsy as I am the no falling is a saving grace. I think it’s from practice from my dad trying to trip me when I was a kid plus the balance you learn in ice skating. It is a lifesaver. Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I just saw this! This looks really fun! Thanks for thinking of us! Really appreciate it! 😊 And I feel like misspelling embarassing on your clumsiness point made it look so funny to me. Oh the irony! 😂 Don’t worry- I make clumsy mistakes too… I’m forgetful with instructions so I always misinterpret them!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You know that part was unconsciously intentional. I can’t believe I did that 😭 but it really is a part of how I am and in the end it’s not so bad. At least it got you laughing! 🤣

      Thank you for commenting!

      Liked by 1 person

        1. That’s so true for me as well! In elementary school teachers would get mad at me for my giggle fits, I understand how that is. I’m a bit better at controlling it now, but every once and a while it sneaks up on me, but it’s always enjoyable! 😊

          Liked by 1 person

  5. First of all, my apologies for replying so late but I didn’t see this until recently! Congratulations on the award and thank you so much for nominating me, Tiana! I really appreciate it.
    I find Miranda Sings hilarious, even if she’s a bit annoying at times, but if there’s one thing you’ve got to admire is the girl’s confidence hahaha
    I loved reading these things about you, it’s like we’re truly meeting the real person behind the blog and it’s quite exciting! I am equally thrilled (if a bit terrified) to do this one myself. Hopefully, I’ll do okay with my answers XD
    Thank you once again! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you finally saw this! This was actually one of the hardest posts for me to write, but it is a really great exercise to start believing in yourself and your abilities. I honestly believe that you come out of writing that post just the tiniest bit stronger and happier. I’m excited to see your post in the future!

      Liked by 1 person

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